Chapter one|| mezmorizing eyes

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Eyes a mixture of sky blue and grass green with some golden sparks. I could stare at them all day if I could. They looked me up and down, taking in my every detail. A smirk came upon those plump pink kissable lips. An inked hand was brought up and combed through the once curly brown hair. The hand was brought back down and took a hold of my waist.

"What could an innocent creature like you be doing at a place like this?" The voice sent shivers down my spine. I was frozen in place, unable to answer. Another hand was brought up and made its way to my chin, tilting my head up.

"Your lucky you bumped into me and not one of my mates, I wont hurt you as much as they would." I felt like a toy he was going to play with until he got bored and leave me in the middle of nowhere.

"Plea-please.." I stuttered, the fear getting the best of me.

"I love it when they beg." How could I want to kiss those pink lips but also want to run as fast as I can and never look back?

"Mate come on, were going to be late!" I looked further to see two figures standing there, waiting. A sigh left those plump lips as those eyes got hidden by eyelids.

"I'll you around babe, don't worry." And with that, I was left alone in this dark and cold alley.

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