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Luke drove me to work the next day. He'd started to hold my hand, but I was certain at this point there was no romantical agenda behind the action. It was more of a comforting one. On the way to work he had us stop, and we got muffins. I made sure to get North a strawberry banana one in an attempt to appease his healthy ways.

And to distract him from the triple chocolate one Luke picked out. I grabbed an orange muffin, which was dusted with sugar, and tasted like heaven. We decided on a blueberry muffin for Kota. Luke paid, much to my displeasure, and I slipped his money into the center console of his car while he wasn't looking. Since I wouldn't need to buy him candy, I didn't need his money.

I had four books for Kota.

Luke was finding a place to park when North texted me.

North: Gabriel did good all night last night. Does that mean he's off life support.

Sang: I don't like discussing this over the phone but yes. I'll do a morning check up on every one, and we'll go from there.

North: Did you get a good breakfast?

I knew he was asking if i got a nutritional one, but I took his question and twisted it a little as if he was asking if my breakfast tasted good.

Sang: Of course. We are bringing both you and Kota some as well.

North: We?

Sang: Luke stayed with me last night and drove me to work this morning.

I sent the text and then shoved my phone in the back pocket of my pants. Not bothering to check when it went off two or three times. I didn't want to know if North disapproved, or what he thought. But I didn't feel as if I needed to defend my actions.

Luke and I had fallen asleep after a while, and when we woke up he was still holding me, leaning against the corner of my living room wall. We didn't say anything about it, and while I got ready for work in my bedroom, he freshed up in the bathroom as best he could.

When the car was in park, I unbuckled and opened up my door. Luke was there a second too late, and looked slightly disappointed that I hadn't taken longer to open it, so that he could do it himself. I laughed.

"You don't have to open all the doors for me."

"Oh, I know Sugar. But I want to." He pouted, and for a minute I considered closing the door, to let him open it. But I didn't, not feeling brave enough to flirt back.

"You can carry the pan of mexican lasagna, and I can carry Kota's books and the muffin bag?" I offered. Luke grinned and helped me out of the car- not that I needed help.

He grabbed everything there was to carry before I could even touch any of it, and gave me a very satisfied smirk. I rolled my eyes. When we got to the front door, I could tell by his expression that he was regretting carrying everything, because he was unable to get the door.

I laughed and held it for him, to which he winked at me and sauntered down the hall to the B Ward, greeting the receptionist along the way. I trailed after him, wanting to check on my boys- wait, when did they suddenly start being, my boys?

I huffed at myself. As I stepped in, I greeted each of them. North was watching me curiously, and I felt dumb for not reading his text yet. Luke distracted both him and Kota by pulling out the muffins and announcing that I'd made us lunch.

I logged onto the computer and quickly read the notes I needed to, before checking my phone.

North: Good. You shouldn't be home alone. That's not safe.

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