Internal Struggles

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Jacob was getting home after a long day in class. He was happy, joyous for his day. He got part 2 of the 5 pieces needed to advance to the league championships. He sat at his computer, looking up the duelists who won their way into the league games like him. Seeing it was him, Kat and even Andres, with many others, Jacob smiled. "Dark Magician? Speedroids? I can take them.." he said as he read on, lookign at the stats and win rates for each duelists. He smiled and looked at his card and nodded, "I can do this... i'll make the top fo-" He said before gripping his heart and hearing something inside his head and body, a soft dark tone voice, "You can't take them Jacob..." the voice said as jacob saw his world fade, a dark haze clouding his vision as he saw just him and this figure, looking like himself but in longer clothes, like trench coat length.

"You can't win.. never can you win." the figure said looking at the darkness as jacob inched towards the figure, "Who are you?" Jacob said scared as he smiled and looked back evily, a look of darkness and vengance in its red pupiled eyes, "I'm Hantai. This is a warning, win. You can win, and preach from the top of a tower at the end, how we are dueling right. Winning isn't everything, unless your trying to prove a point." Hantai said as jacob stared at this version of himself before stepping back and nodding, "m... mhmm.. ok.." he said as Hantai smiled and nodded, "Now, go ahead, research your other opponents.. i'll duel them.." he said as Jacob awoke sitting at his desk with a grunt, "ugh... wha-oh... ok?" He said as he watched the screen, unknowing that he had just met his inner demons.

The next day at the park with Kat and Andres, Cesar at home doing homework, Jacob was talking to Kat about the competition he could take on. "These two I can go for have a Magician and a Speedroid deck. It maybe my best bet.." He said as Jacob looked at his deck of cards and nodded. "Look, you can win." Kat said showing her card, 3 pieces and Andres at 2. "No way we 3 can't get far enough to see the victory banner." He said as Jacob nodded and looked at his card and nodded. He sighed and put his card in this disk before he got up with them, then gasped, clutching his chest. Kat ran up to him, "Jacob! You O-" She said to him sighing and nodding, his eyes wide as he looked up and shuttered, "I... Gotta win this... No way around it..." He said looking up at Kat, "I saw something... It makes our game look like child's play..." He said as he knelt to the sidewalk and etched into the concrete, drawing something strange. A spiral tower of torn steel and framework that lead to a broken heart figure. He etched into it as Andres patted his shoulder, "Dude, what is this?!" He said as his friend stepped from the drawing of the torn up tower and whispered. "This... Is heartland... My dads... Real dad.. Where he is fighting..." Jacob said looking at the heart and how it rested and whispered, "Yuto... His soul resides in me... Granted a gift by another man in another world... A tool to help win our way to Heartland to save Yuto, and his other vessel.. My dad..." He said looking down and whispering as Kat put her hand on his shoulder, "what is going on?" She asked to Jacobs whisper, "Yuya... He hid me in Heartland..." He said looking at the drawing.

" He said looking at the drawing

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