Coach! (Erlana Larkins)

Start from the beginning

You frowned. "Where's your phone?" 

She handed you the phone and at that moment it began to ring. You answered it. 

"Cait. I'm only going to say this once. You are a Bitch for breaking up with her right before a game. Even worse for doing it over the phone but that's just my opinion." 

You held Briann's hand. "I don't need you calling her right now. She has a game to play and I need her to be focused. You're not helping." 

You listened before growling. 

"Listen, I don't give two flying fucks who the hell you are!" 

The entire team looked at you in shock- they had never seen you this angry.

"I don't care! You hurt my player! And you did it before a game! If that isn't a bitch move I don't know what is! What are you going to tell me next- you didn't mean it? Before you make me break Briann's phone and have to buy her a new one, I am going to hang up."

You rolled your eyes.

"Bitch, I'm blocking you." 

You hung up and looked at Briann.


"Coach that's no-" 



You typed it in and proceeded to block Cait in every possible way.

"After the game you can come over, cry, drink, eat ice cream, burn shit- the whole works however, now I need you to change that sadness and Anger into you going out there and helping us win. Got it?"

"Yes Coach." 


You helped her up and hugged her. 

"It will get better. She was a bitch anyway." 

Briann laughed before hugging you again and wiping her face. 

"Out! Now!" 

They ran out and you followed, closing the locker door.   ΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘΘ

Erlana cursed as she fell and felt the pain run through her leg. She held it and squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry. 

"Hey! Larkins! Erlana!" She heard Stephanie call.


She looked up to see you right in front of her. "Hey, what hurts?" 

"Leg...knee." Erlana cursed again. 

The doctor rushed over and Erlana leaned against you, trying to calm her breathing. She had went to block the ball when Seimone bumped her and she fell, landing on her leg in an unnatural way. 

"She's out the game," the doctor said and you both cursed. 

"Don't you dare try the 'I can play through the pain' crap!" You snapped as soon as Erlana opened her mouth. She shut it instantly and allowed herself to be helped off the court.

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