"You didn't brush your teeth either." I heard Aqua mutter.

I burnt the ends of her hair too.

We all finished using the bathroom and headed to breakfast. I gave my mother a glare as she chuckled.

I didn't agree to this. 4 girls in my room early in the damn morning.
Petty. Completely petty.

"Pancakes served!!!!" My mom sang, and slid plates to each of us. I noticed Rachel adding in a heck load of syrup.

"You have diabetes yet?" I asked as I examined her plate load of sugar.

I looked over to Aqua's and Elena's plate. They also had a bunch of syrup on it.

"Y'all gonna waste all my food." I stared at them.

"Sugar is bad for your health." Jenny said. I noticed she didn't add any to it.

"Isn't that bland?" Rachel asked, giving her a confused look.

Jenny smiled proudly. "My body can't lose it's beautiful shape, even if my money was."

Oh god. And I thought she stopped being conceited.

We gulped down our breakfast and I thanked my mother. "Shouldn't have fed them." I whispered in her ear as Aqua glared at me.
Always glares. Always.
She shouldn't be glaring at me, the person who LIVES in this house.

We headed out the door and started walking to school. I enjoyed the gentle breeze and the smell of flowers in the air.

"Feels nice doesn't it?" Elena smiled.

Jenny nodded. "It's like old times..."

We were silent for a full minute when Aqua changed the topic.

She pulled out her phone. "They updated our schedules on the school website for each student. No need for our schedule papers anymore." She grinned.

"Really?" Elena asked, pulling out her phone.

We all started pulling out ours too. I was curious and we could now compare it ahead of time.

"What do you guys have for the first one?" Aqua asked. "I have Math again. Somehow I always get history and math in the beginning all the time."

"Poetry" Jenny and I said together.
Oh god.

"Art." Rachel said smiling.

"Art too." Elena nudged Rachel.

Aqua sighed. "LONELYYYYYYY. IM SO LONELYYY." She sang.

Rachel and Elena laughed as Jenny and I stared at each other.
Mrs. Vanderwall clapped her hands together. "Now get into pairs folks!"
We were supposed to come up with a poetry piece together by the end of the class and turn it in. I looked around and spotted Dominic, trying to call for me.

Oh hell naw.

I grabbed Jenny's arms and smiled sweetly. "Be my partner." I said quickly as she nodded, surprised.

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