Chapter 70: Mad Man

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Rapmonster~ POV

As soon as the gun shot rang through the air, Bunny made the first move. It was as if he was waiting to attack Jungkook.

Revenge perhaps?

I was planning to go after him when suddenly Jin was pushed into me. The large criminal hovered both of us.


He was the strength of the Paper Gang. He was the "core".

I straightened my posture so I wouldn't look feeble.

Jin and I can do this.

Hound viewed us both and laughed. I grunted through my teeth. I was in so much pain, but my blood pumped and rose.

I had to show him what we had.

Before Hound picked on Jin, I threw a large wooden stick at him. The flimsy wood broke in pieces.

I must've splintered him at least, right?

Hound did not take off his mask. Instead he charged at both of us. I never had experience in combat fighting, so I raised up both of my bruised arms. I did not expect for him to shove me into Jin.

Jin jumped straight up and started to strike at him at specific areas on the body.

"What?" I muttered through my breath.

What is Jin doing?

For a couple seconds I watched Jin continue his pattern.

Ah! Striking at pressure points?

It was working, kind of. Hound had the advantage by having the muscles, but Jin had smarts. Jin held his ground too. From a distance, it would like Hound had the upper hand, but up close, it was even.

How can I help?

I lost my balance for a split second. I realized that I have been pushing my pain away, but it chased me.

I have to help somehow.

I ignored my straining and thought quickly. I took a fragment from the wooden stick and began to "jab" Hound at his sides and knees. It seemed pathetic, but hey, better than nothing.

I was smacked a couple of times, but it was nothing compared to what Jin received. Each hit from Hound, Jin returned it twice or more. The guy was feisty.

Jin fighting!

Jin was in major focus. His hands distinctly sliced the air. A sweat broke out on his forehead, but he did not faze. My "weapon" began to blunt. Yet, I tried to keep the beast distracted.

I wonder how the others were doing, but I was set on taking down Hound with Jin.

We got this.

Jimin~ POV

I saw the fury in Fox's eye, it was quite alarming and frightening. The rejection Jungkook gave to him set him off. He was extremely crazy.

He was a Mad Man.

Fox was going to dive directly at Jungkook. I panicked and my adrenaline unleashed. I screamed and hopped onto Fox's back. The man was strong and swung me around.

I held on tightly and almost regretted my decision. I felt sick. I was like a marionette hanging onto its wooden controller.

Hang in there man.

Finally, Fox halted and threw me off. I flew back and bounced off the wall. My back ached and my bones jingled.

My bones danced and vibrated.

I feel it in my bones.

I leaned over and heard a muffled crack from my spine. It was relieving, but pain still lingered throughout my body.

It could have been worse.

My glasses were misplaced somewhere in the room, but I wasn't that blind. It was obvious that once I was off, Suga went in for the opening. Fox didn't get a chance to breathe.

I rubbed my eyes.


Fox managed to pick up his gun. Suga was unaware. I flinched and glanced away when I heard another gun shot.


I got back on my feet and saw that they were struggling to have both of their hands on the gun. Dust from the ceiling floated in the dim light. I coughed a little.

"Back up Jimin!" Suga shouted.

I anxiously stepped back.

This was like déjà vu at the bank.

Oh no.

My heart stopped when Suga gouged Fox's already bleeding hand. The old man yelped like an animal and let go. Suga was knocked back and the weapon was flung at me. I caught it without conflict and raised it.


Do you remember?

Yes, yes I do.

With a quick move, I fired the gun.

Enjoyyy! <3
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