Chapter 37: Emergency

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Jungkook~ POV


V continued to examine the notes while I organized. Jimin sat on the couch paging through his newspapers again.

"Looking for jobs again?" I asked.

"Well yeah, I'm not cut out to be a crime fighter I guess," he laughed it off.

I nodded and understood.

Guns are no joke.

Jimin continued reading the news.

I went over to my laptop and glanced where I left off. The tab displayed a picture of the mask store. Last night, I did research on the address.

I feel like it's a trap, but we have no choice. We'll investigate it next morning.

"Things are going to be in a pickle"

I glanced over to V after he said that weird comment.

"Jimin can you go heat up some chicken nuggets?" V asked Jimin.

Jimin got up and took a bag out of the freezer.

"Jungkook, I don't think Jin or Rapmonster will be fine," V stated.

"I know, but we did our best V. We offered and he declined. Let's just hope the note was entitled to us instead," I hoped.

We feasted on the nuggets while we watched television. I told them that I was going to leave to walk around for a bit.

I grabbed my hoodie and exited my apartment.

I only visited her several times since the robbery at "Luxury". I walked the long sidewalks until I reached the jewelry store. The broken window was replaced and there was light inside.

"Ms. Jade?" I called out once I came in.

The place looked the same, but there was different items for sale.

"Oh my! It's Jungkook! Would you like some tea?"

I smiled and nodded.

"How is your shoulder dear ? And how's your case?" Ms. Jade asked.

"Ah the wound is better now. My case is still ongoing"

My shoulder was able to move more freely without inflicting pain in that area.

"That's wonderful!" She cheered as she poured tea into a porcelain cup with no handle.

"Thank you and have you seen my step-mom?," I questioned as she handed me the cup.

"Yup and yeah. She came in during store opening times and complained to me about how you kicked her out and was being rude. She said you were being reckless with your money. Of course I don't believe that."

I sigh. My step-mom is a hassle.

"I'm sorry for that, I was busy talking to one of the victims of the bar incident and she came in and begged for money," I said,"Does she look for money here?"

"It's ok and no. I haven't seen her since she ranted to me. Oh and how is V and Jimin?"

I grinned. V and Jimin went along with me one time to visit Ms. Jade. They loved her tea and she appreciated their company.

"Jimin is still looking for jobs, but he is a cool roommate. He makes yummy tea too. V can be messy and goofy, but he is a pretty good partner," I praised.

"Oh I hope they'll become great friends of yours!" Ms. Jade supported.

I brightened up.

Ms. Jade looked over me from time to time as if I was her son. I was glad I had her.

Jin~ POV

I leave the hotel and drove my way to the orphanage. Mrs. Johwa has told me that place is expanding. I knock on the front door and there was no reply.

I wondered what it was like to grow up with no ideal parents. Rapmonster's and Eun Bi's parents were unknown.

Eun Bi has one year left before she was able to legally leave the place.

I finally decided to drop the note in the mailbox. Before I walked to my car, I received a call.

"Jin-ah?" My mother's faint voiced called.

"Mom what's wrong?!" I panicked.

I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but I was freaking out already. It was rare for my mom to call.

"Ah could you buy more medicine and painkillers at the pharmacy please? I'm not feeling too well," she weakly asked as her voice faded.

My heart dropped.

"Ok mom, I'll be home soon. Don't do anything too sudden," I tried my best to calmly say.

The phone hung up and I raced to my car. I rushed to the drug store and picked up meds. My mother didn't clarify, so I bought a lot.

Once I got home, I called out to her. There was no reply.


I dialed the emergency number once I saw the fallen body of my ma.

Wrapping up my chill arc hehehhehehe things are going to get hype soon
Enjoyyy <3
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