Author's Note

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Hello!!! If you're reading this you're most likely an ARMY. (Just like me!!)

If you're not please appreciate that this is an AU! (watch the vid)

Dope has held a very special place in my heart. (Cheesy I know lol) It was one of my first kpop mvs that I really enjoyed. Thus started my obsession with bts and such.

I love their songs and there's always a hidden story with the mvs. Also, there has been theories about dope and how it could be a parallel to I NEED U and that whole series. This sparked my inspiration to writing my first fan fiction!

Yes my first fic! I would appreciate all types of support so in advance, thanks! If it's confusing, feel free to write me a message on my board! I promise to create an actual decent story!

It may be au but there won't be ships (maybe bromance lol). I am a newbie anyways.

Before I start, I must inform you that I'm "heavily" Jungkook biased so there may or may not be more perspectives from him, after all the story does kinda revolve around his problem. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don't worry! Every chapter will have at least one or more bts members! I adore a sense of equality, especially when there's seven members! So I'll try my best not to be biased! Fightin!

I did my best to match their personalities in real life to this fic. So sorry if that's not how you expected it turn out!
Remember when you're reading that this does take place in Seoul, South Korea. I did my research on U.S based resources so I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge on Korean culture and if the information is false or inaccurate!

Again, this is FANFICTION!!! So Enjoy!!! (^o^)/ <3

(p.s. If you see any "particular" or "random" names, they're most likely a one time cameo from my fellow supporters and kpop squad at school! Don't mind them! I included them just for fun and to show my love for them! Hehehehehehehe lol )

All rights reserve to the owner of the pic and my edits are from me!

BTS DOPE Where stories live. Discover now