Chapter 24: Sunny

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As soon as Jungkook and I entered, we were ambushed with complaints and insults.

Ugh, give us a break.

"Oh Jungkook-iah! Do you need help?" A senior officer teased.

Jungkook scowled and went straight to his desk and I followed. When he sat down, he shifted his shoulder and groaned. His desk was flooded with paperwork and reports from the day before. I sigh as I started to "attack" the pile.

"Ah Cynthia is here with donuts and coffee!" Someone shouted.

I look to Jungkook and he nodded.

"Get me one too, we're gonna be here all day anyways," I heard him murmur as I got up.

I went downstairs and spotted the delivery person.

J-Hope~ POV

Suga and I ate breakfast in the officer's home. I was glad that Jungkook let us stay and rest. Once we finished, we cleaned and gather our stuff. I felt better, but bruised. Suga looked healthy, which was good.

As usual, we called a cab and arrived at the BTS Hotel. I would've gone straight to the bar, but V and Jungkook recommended me to change rooms.

"See you later Hope," Suga says as he walks towards the bar.

I waved and trod to the hotel desk. The worker exchanged my rooms in minutes and I received another key.

My room did not hoard a lot of items. I was surprised by how simple it was. I only used two small luggages. I hauled them out of the room and went inside the elevator.

At first, I didn't see the person, but when I did I nearly had a heart attack.

"Suga," I loudly blurted.

What the heck J-Hope?

The girl giggled. She insanely resembled Suga. Their blonde hair was the exact tint and their facial features were alike and analogous.

"Suga is my brother hehehhe," she sweetly responded.

She grinned at my reaction.

Suga had a sister?

I was astonished as she continued to giggle.

"Judging by your response earlier, you know him. I'm his sister, Sunny."

I dropped my bags and bowed my head.

"Ah I'm Hoseok," I flustered.

She smiled and reached out her hand. I graciously shook it.

"Oh do you need help?" Sunny offered.

I laughed as I realized I probably looked beat up from my bruises. Sunny was slightly concerned, but it faded into relief. I have to admit that she was bubbly and pretty.

"Don't worry, I'm stronger than I look!" I excitedly replied back.

Her soft laughter made me warm and I chuckled in return.

"Umm, could you help me find Suga? He hasn't texted me back yet," Sunny said as she pursed her lips.

"Yeah, I just saw him go to the bar earlier, if he's not there I could give you his room number," I smoothly spoke.

"Fufu, Suga has no self control at this time of the day," she sighed and shook her head.

Sunny took out a marker from her backpack and handed it to me. I wrote Suga's room number on her hand.

"Hoseok, do you wanna get coffee one day?"

I smiled and nodded as she wrote her number on my hand. I scribbled onto her hand again. When the doors of the elevator opened, we said our byes. Sunny went to the bar and I went to give back my old key at the front desk.


On my hand she drew a small heart.

Jungkook~ POV

Once we took out half of the redundant paperwork, V and I finished our brought donuts. We drank hot lattes. I loved tea, but I also loved coffee.

I told V about my research last night and he suggested to ask Rapmonster if any sounded familiar. We had to go to the hotel to explain it in person or else it wouldn't make sense.

So V and I rode in my police car. The BTS Hotel was always lively. We found Rapmonster easily at the front desk.

"Does any of these names sound familiar?" I gave him copies of tattoo parlors I looked up after we greeted.

Rapmonster was able to eliminate three out of five easily. He examined the remaining. V tapped the desk gently as we waited.

The tattoo parlors I found were local and offered similar designs to the black crane.

This was one of my clues.

Rapmonster finally chose the one on the right.

"Kami, that's one, I hear Bunny mention it once in a blue moon"

"Looks like we're heading to Kami-"

"Wait!" Suga cut off V.

"Let me tag along!" Suga said out of nowhere.

I did not see where Suga came from, but it surprised me.

"Can't, we don't want to put a civilian in risk," I said to him.

"If I come along, it won't look too suspicious," he quickly responded.


At this time, Rapmonster has left to open the door for an elderly couple. I glanced to V and he shrugged. I sighed and before I could shake my head, they left the hotel already. I rushed out and said my thanks to Rapmonster.

Suga has jumped in the backseat and V was in passenger. I pouted, but went along with it.

"Pretend we're just going to get tattoos," I lastly said to them before I drove us off to the parlor.

Enjoyyy <3
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