Chapter 59: Distracted

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Ever since I shot the girl in her back at the bank, I've been overwhelmed.

I know I did out of fear, but it didn't make me feel any less guilty.

I've disabled her.

But you didn't kill her.

Jungkook and Jimin were even concerned about my condition, but I didn't let them know about how I felt. I brushed it off with smile. I think they know, but I'm glad they're leavin me alone with it.

I'd rather finish this case and move on.

Today, I was supposed to go with Jungkook and Rapmonster to Bunny's place, but Jungkook told me to rest.

I guess he was worried too.

I told him I'll come back later since I made plans with my senior for lunch. Jungkook told me to relax. I think I might've came off as "jumpy".

I think we all were affected somehow from the other night.

I cleared my mind and entered the same steak house.

"Oh V! Good afternoon!" My mentor greeted.

"Good afternoon too," I said a little less enthusiastic.

I wanted to be with Jungkook, but at the same time I didn't. I wanted a break, but I wanted to continue the case. I was conflicted.

I'm sorry Jungkook.

"Funny how you chose this place, especially from what had happened a couple days ago," PD-Nim laughed.

I chuckled along too.

"A friend told me that the food here looked great," I remembered Rapmonster's suggestions and input.

"I thought you were busy," he said as we both flipped through our menus.

"Well I kinda am, but I made time for today," I half smiled.

"Alright V, just don't leave your partner hanging," he laughed again.


He can take care of himself and so can I.

We ordered two hearty steaks and sodas. It's been a long time since I was really stuffed.

"How's your case?"

I didn't want to talk about that, but we were detectives after all.

"We eliminated two gang members," I responded as I played with a potato wedge.

"Oh! I heard that on the news! Nice job!" He complimented.


"I heard that one of the places that was plagued with cyanide is free to investigate, have you looked into it yet?" PD-Nim asked.

"Actually my partner is doing that right now," I nervously said.

He nodded and finished his steak.

Maybe I should've gone with Jungkook.

"Oh be careful with that place, it could be a trap," my mentor warned.

"I hope not, there's a clue about a passageway and I hope it leads us somewhere. I'll check it out soon, but right now I just want to have lunch," I changed the subject.

"Oh that's good and your friend is right, the food here is great!"

I finally grinned and finished my steak. I didn't want to rain on his parade so we both ordered dessert.

   A waitress came by with bright purple hair and collected our menus.

   Her name was: Phoebe.

   I ate a hot fudge with ice cream. I was intensely full, but I had fun. We split the check after an hour of eating.

My mind was distracted from the current events so I was happier.

"Oh V! While I was out in the country I picked up some manga for you."

I was ecstatic for new reading material.

"Oh thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Sure V, I left them at the police department though," he added.

"Alright I'm going to head back there too," I said.

My phone buzzed and I checked it.

"Hey V, it's getting late. Don't bother going to the place. Im heading out soon with Rapmonster. Tell Jimin to order me the spicy mayo tofu from the one place for dinner tonight. If anything happens, I'll text or call you"

I smiled to myself. I'll do my best for tomorrow when investigating with Jungkook.

"( ・ั・ั ) okey dokey"

I texted back before I got into my mentor's car.


Instead of calling a cab, PD-Nim gave me a lift back to the police department. There, he handed me his gift and headed onto his next meeting. I had a wonderful lunch and I was a little tired.

I took a book out if it's bag. It was no longer "mint condition". PD-Nim bought me five. I was excited to have three Case Closed manga and two other different ones.

I sat down in my chair. I checked my phone again in case Jungkook had something to say. There was no reply.

I should head home.

I placed my phone on my desk and started to read the first couple of pages. I get a sense of nostalgia, even though I have never read the volume before.

The rest of the people in the building carried on with their day as I read two chapters. It was going to end up evening soon. I didn't want Jimin or Jungkook to worry so I called my self a cab and left with my new novels.


Jungkook wasn't home yet. Jimin had already ordered Chinese food. I ate little since I wasn't famished.

"He's probably staying up at the precinct as usual. He does that a lot when it comes to cases," I reassured us.

Jimin nodded and wrapped up Jungkook's portion. I helped clean up and tried to think good thoughts.

I could call him, but Jungkook would probably be annoyed.

I put myself in a quick slumber and believed that Jungkook will be home next morning.

Enjoyyy <3
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