Itachi reached out to touch the blonde's cold cheek, wishing it was still soft and warm. He no longer cared about his belly ballooning up, or the process of giving birth to it. All that mattered to him, was creating a family with the one who meant the world to him. If he didn't have so much to lose, then he would join him in the after life... Anything to be with him once again. If he were to end his own life, then his brother and parents would grieve over him, and that was something he definitely did not want to happen. As if he could be so selfish!

Naruto took a step forward, slowly placing a hand on his shoulder. Comforting people was never something he was good at. He had no idea what to do or say most of the time. It also didn't help that he had such a small amount of friends. Only a handful of people actually liked him in the entire school. Other than that he was basically hated by everyone else. "I...I can't possibly understand what you're going through, Itachi. When we saw you collapse in the middle of the road, I wanted to cry for you, but couldn't. I would give almost anything to bring Dei back." It was going to be weird not having him around. They all may not live under the same roof anymore, but they sure saw each other a lot.

Another twitch.

"You too, huh? I just said it isn't over yet! Why can't you guys understand that?" He didn't mean to raise his voice so much. It just couldn't be helped, what with how upset he was and all. So you really couldn't blame him. No other vampire has ever tried to change someone twice. This is why he hasn't tried again right away. What if it makes matters worse by doing that? He didn't want to sink deeper than he already has.

"We don't want you to lose yourself because of this. If you sit here for too long, then...t-then his body will begin to decompose." He said it almost too quietly, as if afraid of the Uchiha's reaction. Talking about this was indeed very touchy and risky. "You know we love him too, so please don't think we want to give up on him. This is also killing us..."

Itachi closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to remain calm. It was so hard when he had to keep listening to this stuff. Deep down he knew that they were right, which was what really upset him the most. This was obviously something he didn't want to believe, because once he does, he will probably lose it. His body was already beginning to tremble due to how nervous he felt. It didn't help that his lover's blood tasted so absolutely divine, making it nearly impossible to pull away. But before he could so much as open his mouth to speak, that was when he noticed an all too familiar presence nearby.

It made his blood boil.

"I see you have failed yet again. Such a shame, isn't it?" The deep voice said as said person stood in the doorway. All eyes were on him now, as he could feel all of their hatred. This only excited him though. His red eyes bore into Itachi's, as a proud smirk appeared on his face. You could tell that he felt so damn accomplished by what he all caused. How could he not? His plan had worked out so perfectly! It didn't take much effort either, making this that much more satisfying. That annoying blonde was gone forever. This also meant their bloodline was no longer going to be tainted by these weak half-breeds.

The Uchiha will remain being pure once again.

And then out of nowhere, he found himself being thrown into the wall. Due to the sheer force being used, it did cause a huge hole behind him. He didn't even get the chance to react, as he was then grabbed by the throat and tossed out the window. The sound of glass shattering could be heard as he went through it, some of it now embedded through his porcelain skin. He spun through the air as he fell and landed on his feet, taking a few steps back. It was night time, so there was nothing to worry about for the time being. However, the sun was going to rise in just a few hours. "Heheh. Do you think mere wounds like this will take me down, Itachi?" He taunted, ripping the shards right out of his face, neck, and arms.

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