Chapter 30

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My Point of View

Naruto shifted on the couch so that he could reach back and grab the blanket, draping it over his body. His nerves were definitely starting to kick in a lot more now, knowing that an outsider, who was human, was coming in here to see him like this. His hands came down to rest against his stomach, biting at his lip. Was that why he was having those pains earlier...because of the way he was feeling about all of this? It could quite possibly be that reason. He inhaled deeply and slowly letting it out, trying to remain calm and relaxed. His eyes kept going over to the door, and then over to the kitchen. Was Itachi really not going to get the door for his own boyfriend? "..."

Mikoto took it upon herself to get up and walk over to the door, opening it up. The person standing before her was definitely very handsome! His long blonde hair that could easily cascade all the way down to his waist, was pulled back into a nice looking ponytail, pulling all of it out of his face but his side bags. And what he wore made him fit right in! Honestly, she could just squeeze the life right out him...but not literally though. So instead, she took a step forward and kissed him on the cheek. "My, you look very lovely Deidara. Please, come in..." She greeted, stepping aside to allow him to enter.

A smile spread on Deidara's lips as he bowed slightly to her. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mikoto-san..." He slipped his shoes off and stepped inside, looking around the spacious mansion. Never has he been inside a home so large and beautiful before. It was a bit much to take in all at once. Everything looked so perfectly clean...and expensive! Not to mention it smelled like, what was it exactly, spices? But then the smell of food hit him, causing his mouth to water. He hasn't eaten since earlier this afternoon, knowing there was going to be a lot to eat here. Well, at least that is what Itachi told him. He held the box closer to his chest as he walked over to the couch.

That's when he spotted the blonde sitting there, huddled underneath a thick blanket. His eyes met with a pair of bright blue ones as they locked onto each other for a good minute. This must be Sasuke's husband, the very guy who is actually carrying three little babies inside of him. It was still weird to think about...that a guy could get pregnant! He sat down on the couch next to him then, wondering if he was even going to say anything. His eyes wandered down the rather large lump, and realized what was going on. He was trying to hide himself...

"Hi! You must be Sasuke's husband, Naruto. I heard a lot about you, mm!" He has only heard good things about this guy, so he wasn't worried about starting a conversation with him.

Naruto stared back at the person sitting next to him. This guy was so much better looking than him! His hair looked so soft, and his body was making him feel even more insecure right now. "H-hi. I have heard a lot about you too..." He spoke quietly.

It was obvious that he needed to approach this the correct way. "...I also heard you're expecting some cute little babies. What's it like? I'm curious..." Which was the honest truth. What did it feel like, to be a guy and have not only one, but three babies growing inside of you?

Those bright blue eyes closed as he fell silent for a few seconds. And there it was. The subject he wasn't ready to talk about yet. "Ah. I...I am...pregnant..." He slowly said. His head turned to the side as he just stared at the floor. "It's different..."

"..." Deidara shifted so that his body was facing toward him, and slapped his hands against his legs. "Can you feel them moving around in there?"

Naruto silently nodded. "I can. It gets a bit painful when they all start to move around and kick at me like crazy. It's a lot of weight to carry around, especially since I'm so small..."

His gaze went back down to the obvious lump that poked out through the blanket. "Can you feel them right now? Oh! I want to feel..." He excitedly exclaimed, clasping his hands together.

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