Chapter 9

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It's a week later and I was meeting my new team today. I hugged TenTen and she smiled while telling me to kick ass.

"I shall not cry, it is not youthful!" Lee said as he anime cried making me hug the spandex clad boy.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, it's not for long anyway." I waved them off as Lee and TenTen spared again.

Then I turned to Neji. Now, over the time I have spent in team Gai, I have developed a crush, on the Hyuga.

I know I know, but I just like his uncaring attitude, except from when one of us is in trouble and he's there to help. I dunno, I just like him as all.

"See ya later Neji kun." I gave him a peace sign and he smirked.

"I'll beat your new team, don't worry. Later Aki." He payed my head causing a tiny of pink to hit my cheeks as I turned around to Gai who lead me to the west wing of the training grounds.

"So, which team is it again?" I asked and he did a pose while pointing to a group of three, arguing over something.

"My ultimate rival, and his team of ninja." He began and the Sensei looked over. "Team 7." He finished and the rest of them looked as well.

"Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. The third member, Sakura Haruno, isn't competing, hence why you are here." He walked me over and stopped by the three.

"Ah, so this is our third member, Aki Gekkō." The masked ninja with a book and sassy gravity defying hair spoke first.

"Yeah, nice to meet ya." I waved and he nodded while turning to the two boys.

"Hey! I know you from ichiraku's!" The blond pointed while grinning. I nodded happily making the ravenette grumble about something.

"So your sasuke, I'm Aki, nice to meet you." I extended a hand and he reluctantly shook it.

"Sasuke Uchiha." He replied bluntly and I sweat dropped.

I turned around to say my goodbyes to my sensei but he was already gone. I looked back at the team and Kakashi rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Gomen about you having to join an unknown team." He said and I waved it off.

"Nah, im glad I can get away from the madness for a while." I admitted and he gave me a closed eye smile.

"Why is Aki here anyway? Where's Sakura?" Naruto looked completely confused but Kakashi poofed away into smoke leaving him more confused.

"Wanna go for ramen?" I asked breaking the silence and Narutos eyes lit up.

"Sure! Come on sasuke." He looked to the Uchiha and he sighed but followed us anyway.

Further down the street we heard a lot of shouting which made me curious so I jumped up onto the fence and the two followed.

"Watch where your going! Brat!" A ninja snarled and I frowned.

"Konahomaru?" Naruto then blew our cover by shouting out and running to the guy who had a boy held up by his scarf.

"Let me go!" He shouted and the guy smirked. A girl was standing behind them sighing.

"Kankuro, leave it, Gaara won't be happy." She warned and he tensed before lifting him higher.

"This little brat ran into me!" He mused and I then sighed before jumping off  the fence and landing in a crouch position.

"What's up here?" I stood up and brushed myself off. I had a new outfit, I liked it, anyway. (There's a picture of it, it's the circled one but instead of green it's pastel pink)

"This guy won't let go of konohamaru!" Naruto pointed angrily and I sighed.

"Listen dude, I know we haven't met, but I'm sure the kid didn't mean to." I walked in front of him and he dropped the kid who ran with the rest of his team behind naruto.

"Heh, your quite sassy, and hot. What's your name?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Aki Gekkō, kankuro right?" I smiled and he winked.

"So you know me?" He said, a little full of himself.

"Nah, I heard blondie say it earlier." I waved sweetly at her and she laughed at his facial expression.

"I'm Temari, this is my brother, we're here from the sand village." She introduced and I nodded.

"Here for the chuunin exams right?" I confirmed and she nodded as kankuro rolled his eyes.

"The what exams?" Naruto piped up and kankuro was about to snap at him when he got hit by a rock.

"God dammit sasuke." I face palmed and kankuro growled.

"You little-" he started when a cold voice cut him off making him freeze.

"Your an embarrassment to our village." They stated and Temari's eyes widened.

"G-gaara." She stammered out and a red head appeared in the tree next to sasuke.

Sand surrounded him and he was then next to Temari. Sasuke jumped down to where I was standing.

"What are the chuunin exams!?" Naruto then yelled again and I began to explain to him. After a while, he understood.

"You, what's you name?" Sasuke demanded and I rolled my eyes.

"Me?" Temari blushed a little but Sasuke shook his head.

"You with the gourd on your back." He pointed and I gasped.

"Don't just demand sasuke!" I put my hands on my hips and he glared.

"Gaara of the sand, I am interested in your name also." He replied making the ego loving Uchiha smirk.

"Sasuke Uchiha." He replied bluntly.

"Hey, you wanna know my name?" Naruto piped up.

"No, but what was yours?" He replied flatly naming Naruto sulk in his emo corner. He turned to me and I flipped my hair.

"Aki Gekkō, but if you'll excuse us, we best be going. See ya later, Temari, kankuro, gaara!" I waved then grabbed Narutos collar and dragged him away, Sasuke trailing behind us.

"That was interesting." Sasuke commented and I nodded I agreement.

"Yep, but let's just train for the exams, I'm sure we'll be seeing them again." I looked back forward.

Akane: DO YOU LIKE HER OUTFIT?!?! *shakes kankuro's shoulders*
Kankuro: it's great! Now stop shaking me! *pouts with his kitty ears*
Akane: moody, anywhoooo! That was chapter 9! Spain is great! It's too warm though! *fans herself dramatically*
Kankuro: I live in a desert.
Akane: that is not the point! I don't own Naruto! *chases kankuro with a hammer, threatening to break his puppets*

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