Chapter 2

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Something nudged my leg causing me to open my eyes slowly. I looked around for a minute before realising I was in a forest.

"Why am I in a forest?" I asked out loud and I heard a big sigh.

"You ran away remember? We're only 2 hours away from konoha so we should go now, I need to return to my home soon." A small dog informed me and it all came back to me, leaving ash, checkers is the dog who's taking me to my new home, I'm getting a new life.

"Right, let's go then." I pulled myself up and began walking again. I felt tired and my clothes were dirty and a little torn.

We hadn't run into any trouble on the way and we were so close now, I hope we don't.

"I'll have to leave you here, the leaf village is up ahead and should take you 30 minutes to get there." Checkers informed me and I smiled at the dog.

"Thank you, send my best wishes to Ash, sayonara Checkers." I bid the dog farewell and he nodded before poofing away into smoke.


I was currently stood in front of the large gates of the leaf village. It's so huge! I mused as I gazed at the large gates.

After taking a deep breath I began to walk through them. "Hey! Kid, what're you doing here?" A voice called to me and I looked to my left to see what I think was the guards to the village.

"Oh, I....I'm a runaway." I said outwardly and their eyes widened.

"What? Listen, we need to get you to the hokage." The one with the bandage on his nose came towards me.

"What's your name?" He asked and I brushed a bit of my tangled hair form my face.

"Aki, I chose not to keep my surname." I explained and he nodded before leading me through the village.

"The names Kotetsu and that other guy was Izumo. Tell me, why did you run away?" He asked and I looked at the sky.

"My old life, it's hard to explain." I looked at him and he nodded.

"You'll have to explain to the hokage." He informed me and I agreed.

It took a few minutes to reach a large and important looking building. Kotetsu guided me to the entrance to a room which I guessed was the hokages.

"Lord hokage, it's Kotetsu, I have someone who needs to meet you." He knocked on the door.

"Enter." A low voice came from inside and Kotetsu showed me inside. A man with a hat and cloak sat behind a desk, he looked up and stopped the paperwork he was doing.

"And who's this?" He asked and Kotetsu motioned for me to introduce myself.

"I'm Aki, I'm a runaway from the Rain village." I bowed slightly as I explained.

"Can you tell me why you have run away?" He linked his hands in front of his face and I nodded slowly.

I explained everything from how my parents hated and shunned me to how I was apparently born with exceptional jutsu abilities.

"And you want to stay here and become a citizen of the leaf village?" He asked to confirm and I nodded.

"Yes, I want to have a new life here now." I smiled slightly.

"You will need a place to stay, Kotetsu can you bring me Hayate Gekkō please." Lord hokage asked and Kotetsu disappeared.

"You shall live with Hayate until further notice, you can start the academy but you should now that all the kids there are 11, I would expect you were 11?" He inquired and I thought for a moment.

"Oh, after all that I went through I forgot that my birthday is tomorrow, that's when I'll turn 11." I rubbed my neck sheepishly as he sweat dropped at me.

"Lord hokage *cough* you wanted to see me?" A pale skinned man entered the room and the hokage spoke.

"Ah Hayate, this is Aki, she needs a place to stay and I thought you would be a good choice to put her with." He explained and Hayate looked to me.

"Yeah, of *cough* course Lord hokage." He bowed and I smiled.

"So, you shall begin the academy tomorrow, on your birthday no less, I shall wish to see you after the academy finsihes, welcome to konoha Aki." He greeted and I nodded while bowing.

"Arigato, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I turned to Hayate and he smiled before taking me through the door.

"So, Aki, I'm guessing *cough* your living with me *cough* until further notice, It'll be nice to have *cough* some company." He chuckled a little before coughing and I giggled.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay." I replied and he ruffled my hair.

"I heard that it's *cough* your birthday tomorrow huh? And your *cough* starting the academy too." He pointed out.

"Yeah, I never really celebrated them though, I'm just looking forward to starting to train to be a ninja." I explained while smiling at he thought.

"Of course, *cough* well this is my place, *cough* not much but it's good for two people." We stopped outside an apartment building and he unlocked the door.

The apartment was a good size and had a basic kitchen, living area and two bedrooms. I took off my shoes that were now tatted and worn.

"Don't you have any *cough* other clothes?" He asked and I shook my head. He rubbed his temples in thought.

"We could go get some *cough* now if you want?" He offered and I grinned while grabbing my shoes and heading for the door.

"Arigato!" I chimed as he followed behind me while chuckling. We walked to a clothes store and Hayate leant me some money as he needed to go to a weapons store.

I browsed the isles and found some things is liked. It was a kimono top like the one I had but in a very light grey colour. I picked out some black shorts and bandages for my arms and legs. After gabbing some more black ninja shoes I walked to the counter to pay.

The woman was nice and gave me some  pastel pink ribbon for me hair and a pastel pink silk bandage to go round my waist for no extra cost.

"Arigato." I thanked her and left the store to find Hayate.

"Ah Aki, *cough* I got some basics ninja weapons for you, *cough*  let's head back." He gestured to follow him and I did so.

We got into the apartment once more and he showed me my room. It was simple with grey coloured walls with a bed, nightstand, wardrobe and a desk with a stool and mirror.

"Arigato Hayate, I'm happy to be living here." I smiled and he patted my hair.

"No problem, night Aki, *cough* get some sleep, it's your birthday tomorrow *cough* and also your first day at the academy." He closed the door and I changed into the night clothes he leant me, a black T-Shirt and some old ninja shorts.

"I hope your doing well ash." I whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

Akane: and BOOM! Chapter 2 is finished!
Hayate: Your too *cough* hyper.
Akane: Whatever cough drop. *rolls eyes while eating pocky*
Hayate: Your forgetting something, *cough* again.
Akane: Oh my dear cough drop, what on earth could it be?
Hayate: That you don't own Naru-
Akane: That I don't own Naruto? You don't have to rub it in! *uses gentle fist*
Neji: Really?
Akane: Fight me all seeing Neji!
Neji: *sweat drops*

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