Truths Revealed/ Bret

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After class, I run off to the east wing of the school. Taylor and I planned to meet there so we could "catch up."

"Hey babe," I say as I wink in her direction.

She immediately spots me and slaps my forearm. "Stop that!" She says in between giggles. "We can't be official until the beach, remember?" Then she puts a finger to her chin. "Actually until you and Amanda break up but..." She bites her lower lip. She's still the only one who can pull that off.

"I'm not waiting that long," I say as I come closer to her, trying to kiss her.

She puts a hand on my shoulder however, not letting me take another step. Then she pushes me away and smirks. "You're gonna have to," declares with a wink.

I hang my head low in a discouraged manner. "You're going to be the death of me. I can feel it in my bones."

She rolls her eyes and puts a hand to her hip. "Says the one who's been mowing me over ever since the day we met."

"Okay that's in the past. I'm truly sorry about that." There's no thank you response. I shake my head with a smile. "What do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?"

Taylor laughs. "That actually wouldn't be half bad." My eyes widen. "Just kidding!" She says quickly. "I know you're sorry." She smiles and blows me a kiss. "Sorry you couldn't get a real kiss. Okay well I'm off to the next class!" With another wink, she darts off.

I nod and let her go with a smile. This happy mood is going to stay here for a while. I can feel the happiness down to my bones. With another shake of my head, I begin to head to class. The hallway is a combination of loud footsteps mixed with girls screaming at the top of their lungs for their besties or laughter by some lame joke a nerd made of quantum physics. Do we even learn that in high school?

Eventually the crowd wears thin and I walk down the nearly empty halls. Just as I'm about to open the door to my next class, I hear a smothered sob in the janitor's closet. Curiosity gets the better of me and I back away from the classroom door. Out comes Amanda with black tears streaming down her cheeks. I try turning around before she can see me, but its too late. Her hand lashes out around me and she forces me to cradle her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry!" She says. "For everything!"

Her arms go limp on my chest and I pick her off of me with my hands gingerly, as if I'm touching a bird with a broken wing. What has gotten into her? Did someone put a "Be Nice To Bret" potion in her cereal this morning? I sigh. I don't even know what she's going on about.

"Amanda if I knew what you were talking about, maybe I could do something but I have a class and you're obviously not in a good mood so let me just get past-"

"You and Taylor! I'm talking about you and Taylor." She takes the back of her hand and brings it to her nose, wiping the snot that started to drip. Gross. Then she sniffles. "Ugh I'm a mess."

The bell gives a shrill cry. Great, now I'm going to be late. I'm in trouble. I thought I was supposed to have a good day today. Well it was good up until now. "If I only had time Amanda, but I don't so bye."

Before I can go though, she grabs my shoulder, with the non snotty hand. "I just want you to know Jenny put me up to it. But I mean, I was okay with it, seeing as you're going to be famous soon and all. I thought it would have been amazing to have a celebrity boyfriend. Then Jenny could get more famous and so could I! But then I saw you and Taylor. The way you two connected was just dazzling, but I couldn't have her ruining my plans so I made the matter worse. It's all my fault and I'm sorry. She probably hates my guts..."

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