Chapter 22: The Lineup

Start from the beginning

"Sandy! Sandy stop! Sandy he's dead!" Matt yelled crying and trying to pull me off Gupta.

I dropped the dagger and turned and cried into Matt's chest.


"Hi my name is Sandy Elliot, and I was kidnapped by the Kilmanto, an elite terrorist group that kills, rapes, and destroys."

Jared's POV

"Hi my name is Jared Mertup, and I was kidnapped by the Kilmanto, an elite terrorist group that kills, rapes, and destroys."

Henry's POV

"Hi my name is Henry Vishner, and I was kidnapped by the Kilmanto, an elite terrorist group that kills, rapes, and destroys."

Becca's POV

"I'm not saying this." I told the government workers.

"Do it or you'll be charged with withholding information from the government. Now look into the camera and tell us everything that happened, starting with the opening statement.

"Hi, my name is Becca Aplod, and I was kidnapped by the Kilmanto, an elite terrorist group that kills, rapes, and destroys."

Matt's POV

"We were at Cole and Bella's funerals, the ones we were on the cruise with, when the terrorists came in with small bombs, we tried to run but it wasn't enough. The six of us were kidnapped."

Amanda's POV

"Holly and I were in a park in Pennsylvania, we were goofing around with her new video camera when three black vans pulled up and these mid eastern men showed up and took us."

Sandy's POV

"When we woke up, we were in these cages, all split up, in a huge cargo plane. There was one for each continent."

Jared's POV

"I had been on the plane for a long time, I was the oldest in the cage so the kids wanted me to be their leader, when the six showed up, Kelly Zaklo and Sandy Elliot were in my cage, we were in the Asia cage."

Henry's POV

"I was all alone, in the Africa cage. Amanda Frimmy's friend, Holly, was thrown out of the plane in mid air for videoing the plane. The next morning they dropped the Africa cage, and I met Kylie, who was a genius. She helped me survive, we helped each other survive."

Becca's POV

"After all the cages dropped, Derrick Matt and I were taken to a terrorist camp, where they would kill one of us every day. Derrick had an escape plan, but they took Matt to kill him.

Matt's POV

"They took me to kill me, but Henry and Kylie came out of the woods and saved us, all of us. They had escaped Africa but Henry came to South America to find Becca, his girlfriend.

Amanda's POV

"Justin and I had gotten out of the cage, and us and all the kids had found an old gas station with a man inside who offered to bring us to the airport. There was an explosion and everyone died but me Justin and the man, at least I thought, the man was gunned down, and I discovered Justin died in the explosion."

Sandy's POV

"We had gone to a hotel in China, but soon realized the hotel was run by the terrorists and we escaped when we were rescued by my mom and Donald Trump."

Jared's POV

"That's when Amanda showed up with Justin's body, and we got a call from Henry telling us he was in Porto Velho just outside of the airport."

Henry's POV

"I was shot in the shoulder, and Kylie was taken. Eventually when Sandy Jared Kelly and Amanda showed up, we went to go find them."

Becca's POV

"Derrick stepped in a bear trap and Henry collapsed from his gunshot wound. Sandy and I tried to escape but it didn't work, they lined all of us up."

Matt's POV

"Jared asked where Kylie was, and she came flying down from a tree, they hung her. I tried to give her something to stand on, but it didn't work. She died."

Amanda's POV

"After that, he shot Derrick in the forehead."

Sandy's POV

"He told us he wasn't done, and he made Jared and Kelly kiss like they did before in the jungle."

Jared's POV

"Gupta stabbed Kelly in the back and she died in my arms, Sandy grabbed the knife and killed Gupta with it."

"Was Kelly your girlfriend?"

"Not exactly, but I was going to ask her to be, and she would have said yes, so yes I consider her to have been my girlfriend.

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