I came above water and leaned against the wall waiting anxiously. He finally resurfaced and shot me a glare. I smirked evilly. "Now we are even, merman." 

He shook his head and chuckled, his dark hair sticking to his face. We swam for quite a while before night started to settle more bringing a cooler temperature. He helped me out and I went to change back into dry clothes in the cottage. The burning fire felt nice in contrast to the cold air beyond the walls. 

Eric was sitting at the table by the pool when I finished. He motioned for me to sit beside him, so I did. Scooting his chair closer to mine, he looked at me with his dark blue eyes. "Ariel," he whispered softly. "There's something I want to ask you." My stomach tightened slightly at his words, but I waited silently for him to continue. He reached across and held my hands in his. "Will you accompany me to the homecoming dance?" he asked. 

My eyes widened. I completely forgot about the upcoming dance! 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, nodding my head vigorously. 

Eric gleamed, pulling me into him. We stayed that way for a while longer, enjoying the stars and lights surrounding us. I took a moment to reflect on how far our relationship had developed and how thankful I was that my father lightened up. 

After some while, Eric drew his jacket around my shoulders and held me tightly. "As much as I'd love to stay, it's getting late. Let's get you home," Eric whispered into my neck before placing a light kiss on my cheek. Too tired to respond, I nodded and allowed him to pull me to my feet. Fatigue weighed down on my shoulders making it increasingly difficult to walk. Eric kept an arm around my waist helping guide me in the dark. 

Eric stopped to get gas while we were in town at a local gas station. The signs were bright against the dark sky, illuminating a figure standing in the shadows outside of the convenience store. "Eric, do you see that?" I asked, unsure if my mind was playing tricks on me. 

Eric's eyes skimmed the lot as he killed the engine. "I think you are tired, Ariel. I don't see anything out of the ordinary." He gave me a tired smile before sliding out of the car to pump the gas. 

The night was still. No wind, no sound. Barely a cloud in sight even. It felt almost to quiet for comfort. I cast a glance back at Eric, soaking in his strong stature. The sight of him helped ease the edginess I was feeling. 

In a desperate attempt to stay awake, I rubbed my hands against my face, begging my mind to hold it together for just a little longer. The drive to my house isn't a far drive from town thankfully. 

The creaking sound of a door opening and the loud crack of it slamming cut across the silent night. My eyes instantly widened, scanning the source of the disturbance. A dark, broad figure strode out of the store, a silhouette against the bright signs in the background. As they drew closer, I managed to pick out more careful details. 

Urging my body to get me out of the car, I pushed outside into the brisk, night air and towards Philip. "Hi Philip," I greeted, wrapping Eric's jacket tight against my shoulders. 

Surprise crossed his face before his lips pulled up in amusement. "Hey, Ariel. I wasn't expecting to see you out this late. What are you doing here?" He asked, stopping a short distance away. 

"Getting gas," I joked, angling my head in Eric's direction. Philip laughed, letting his shoulders relax as he crossed his arms comfortably. "Eric asked me to accompany him to homecoming. Speaking of, do you have a date yet?" 

Things with Aurora have gotten better lately, but as her friend, I know she is still devastated by Philip's interest in other girls. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't try to use this opportunity to convince him to give her a chance. 

Philip opened his mouth but hesitated before simply saying, "Not yet." 

I mustered up the strength to smile reassuringly. "Why don't you ask Aurora? I may be a little biased as her friend, but she is very laid back and would be a fun date to take," I suggested, praying he would consider. 

Philip tried to suppress a smile as he looked at the ground. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he seemed occupied watching his feet kicking around stones on the pavement. He finally answered, "I suppose she would be a great candidate." 

Eric, having finished the transaction, walked around to rest his hand on Philip's shoulder. "That she would. Don't worry about being nervous. She'd be crazy to turn you down," Eric stated confidently, giving Philip a friendly pat on the shoulder once before turning his attention to me. "I should get her home, but it was good seeing you Philip." 

"Thanks for the help. Be careful going home." Philip waved before walking away to his vehicle parked across the street. He must've stopped by the convenience store for a few things after work. 

"Let's go home," I agreed, taking Eric's hand and leading us to the car. Slumping into the passenger seat, I pulled out my phone to inform my dad that we were on the way when an incoming call from Belle appeared. 

"Hello?" I hastily answered. My mind buzzed at the thought of why she would be calling so late. 

"Ariel?" Belle sounded alarmed and out of breath as she struggled to form words over her ragged breathing. "It's Adam. He's gone missing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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