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My cousins (expect Chris and Alex), sisters, mom, aunts, Tori, Violet, Oliver, Justin, and I were in the living room. We all stared at the wands on the table.

"Okay so if these wands are the cure what do we do now?" Oliver asked.

"Well we need to find out who gets what wand according to their power." Austin said as Melinda walked over towards the table and picked up a pink wand. She handed it to Wyatt. "This is Diana's. Put it with Eddie's. We will have to summon them later." She explained.

Wyatt orbed the wand out of his hands as Austin picked up a yellow wand. "This is the Photo wand. The person who is getting this wand is my sister Avery." He said.

Suddenly out of nowhere Avery walked into the living room.

"What she gets a wand? She was barely in the book!" Oliver pointed out.

Austin handed the wand to Avery and the tip glowed a bright yellow. Avery smiled. "Cool!"

Melinda picked up the light green wand. "This is the Nature wand. I don't know who gets it." Melinda said confused.

"Oh since Cole is the PJ'S whitelighter he went up there and found out all of PJ's abilites. Nature enhancement is one of her twice blessed powers." Aunt Phoebe explained causing PJ to smile.

Melinda rolled her eyes and handed PJ the wand. The tip glowed a bright purple.

Austin picked up the silver wand. "Now. This is the electro wand. This could go to Phoebe or-" Austin began to say.

"HJ." Melinda said finishing his sentence.

Mom and HJ looked at each other.

"There's only one way to settle this. A fight. A Electrokinesis fight." Patience said.

"Okay there's no way I'm going to fight my nephew for a-" Mom began to say. Suddenly, a bolt of electricity came flying towards her head. She quickly moved her head barely dodging it. We all placed our eyes on HJ.

"Sorry aunty but I REALLY want that wand." He said.


Mom and HJ were in the basement as everyone stood on the sides. Melinda had given them potions so they wouldn't get hurt.

"Okay I want a clean fight." Aunt Prue said. "Phoebe no Levitation or Empathy." She said. Mom nodded her head. "HJ no Technopathy,Orb shield, Telekinetic orbing, or any Whitelighter powers." HJ nodded his head. "Okay. 3, 2, 1, fight!" She said.

HJ held out his hands as electricity began to form at his hands. My mom did the same. HJ sent an electric bolt towards my mother. She quickly rolled out the way and dodged it. She charged at him and kicked him forcefully in the stomach before sending powerful bolts of electricity at his face. It threw him into the wall. On the floor he held out his hand sent a bolt towards her foot causing her to trip.

"Cheap shot!!" PJ said.

HJ got up and walked towards her. Mom quickly got up and grabbed HJ's hand. She threw him into the wall and sent extremely powerful forces of electricity to his back. The electricity never stopped coming out of her hand.

"Oh come on! He doesn't have advanced Electrokinesis yet. How is he supposed to compete with that?" Aunt Paige asked.

HJ screamed in pain. "The potion didn't work! The electricity is putting a hole in my back!" He screamed causing mom to immediately stop.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now