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The twins and I stared at the new hallway in shock. "Oh." I began to say. "My." Kat added. "Whitelighter." Tamora said causing Kat and I to push our eyebrows together and look at her. "So Patience can say oh my Cupid but I can't say oh my Whitelighter?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the wall. "You had to kick a switch or something." I got down on one knee and looked for something that could have opened the wall. I placed my hand on a button that was the same color of the wall. I pressed it and the wall closed. "Cool." The twins said in unison. I smiled as I pushed the button again and stood up. "We have to go in there." I said. The twins looked up at the ceiling as if someone was calling for them. "We gotta go. Dad's calling us for dinner." Tamora informed me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "No biggie. I'll just go check it out myself." I responded. "No way. We have no idea what's in that hallway and I'm not sending my cousin in there alone." Kat crossed my arms. "Fine. When everyone in our houses are sleep we meet back here. I turned towards the hallway. "We have to find that first piece."
I had just finished eating dinner and was heading up the stairs when Kat orbed right in front of me. "Hey Mel. I heard." She said. I pushed my eyebrows together with a smile. "Heard what?" I asked. "About Austlinda." She responded. "I'm sorry who?" I asked confused. "Austin plus Melinda equals Austlinda." She said as if it was that simple. "How do you know?" I pushed my eyebrows together. "The girl word gets around fast." She responded."But Austin doesn't even go to our school."

"Yeah. That's just the power of the girl word." Her phone beeped. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. "Uh oh. Isaac just broke up with Jade. Ouch." She placed her phone back in her pocket. I rolled my eyes. "So is it true? Are you and Austin a thing?" She asked. "Of course they're a thing." PJ said literally coming out of nowhere. "And your okay with that?" Kat asked confused. "Of course I am. What ever makes my cousin happy." PJ said with a smile. Kat cocked an eyebrow. "Something's going on here. And I'm going to find out what it is." Kat orbed out. "She's on to us. We should stop this." I said.

"No way. Kat's harmless. So did he ask you out yet?" She asked. "No not yet." I replied. Austin walked into the living room. "Hey Mel." He said causing me to smile. PJ turned around with a smile causing Austin's smile to fade. "Oh.. hey PJ." He said awkwardly. "Austin this doesn't have to be weird." She said with a smile. "It doesn't?" He asked. Of course not. Well.. I better go give my hamster a bath." She beamed out. His gorgeous, heart melting smile appeared back on his face. "I had a lot of fun on our date. I was wondering if you wanted to go again. Maybe this Saturday?" He asked.

"I would love too." I responded. He smiled and backed up towards the stairs. "Okay see you then." He backed up into the wall causing me to giggle. Once he was upstairs my smile quickly faded.

The twins and I were in the school basement. "You guys ready?" I asked. They both nodded their heads. Just when I was about to press the button we heard footsteps. I quickly grabbed the twins by the hands and blended in with the wall opposite side from the secret hallway."What are we doing down here Gregory?" Coach Webster asked. My eyes widened. What was coach and Principal Hudson doing down here? "I believe this wall is a door." Principal Hudson began touching the wall.

"A door to what? Cement?" Coach asked. Principal Hudson glared at him and continued to feel the wall. "Rats!" He angrily hit the wall. They walked back upstairs. We all moved off the wall turning visible. "Okay what were they doing down here?" Kat asked. "They were searching for the button. I can't believe they have something to do with this. Avalon probably doesn't even know!" I angrily said. "We should go back home and check out the tunnel some other time." Tamora said. I sighed. "Your right. Let's go."
was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door open. Wyatt walked in the living room with a smile on his face. "Tori and I had the best date ever. All thanks to Avalon." He said. "Are you guys going out again?" I asked. "So she walks me to the front door and I asked her the same thing. Then she kissed me. A long one. On the lips!" He said excitedly. I let out a deep sigh. "Oh no Wyatt." I shook my head as he pushed his eyebrows together. What?" He asked. "Dude she walked you home and gave you the goodnight kiss. She runs the relationship." I informed him. "What? No she doesn't." He responded. "I'll give it a moment to sink in."

Silence filled the air as Wyatt stood there with his eyebrows pushed together. A few moments later his eyes widened. "Your right." He sat down on the couch next to me. "Soon she's going to have you
doing stuff for her and going bra shopping." I said. "You do know Avalon makes you do that stuff for her right?" He smiled. "No way. Unlike you I'm the top dog of my relationship." I said with a smile. My phone started to vibrate. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

Avalon: Hey babe can you orb over and take me to the all night mall to get more bras?

"What did she say." He asked. "She wants me to take her to that all night mall." I explained. "Go ahead top dog Tell her no." He said with a smile. I felt a little skeptical about the idea. I sighed knowing Wyatt wouldn't let me live this down if I didn't. I began texting.

Chris: Busy right now. Do it yourself :) :p :3

"And send." I said with a smile "Impressive. So how do I become top dog?" Wyatt asked. "On the next date just show Tori that your the man. Act manly." I said. He nodded his head. "Manly, got it. Well I'm tired I'm going to go crash. You coming?" He asked. "I'll be there in a few. I told mom I'll wash the dishes before I went to bed." I explained. He walked up the stairs. There was a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see a angry Avalon. She used her werewolf strength to push me onto the ground. "Remember what we did last night? Well next time you wanna do that again I'm going to tell you that I'm too busy and for you to do it's yourself." She walked off. I quickly got up and stood on the steps outside. "I would if I could!" I shouted.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now