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The woman lifted her hands. "Wait mom!" The blonde haired boy said. "Look. They're touching the book. They must be good." He added. "Good or not. They broke into our  house Wyatt." The woman replied. A man and a girl about fifteen walked into the room. "Who are they?" The man asked. "Intruders." The woman said coldly. "She has molecular combustion. Stay out of hands area." Rachel whispered. "How did you know that?" The brown haired boy asked.  "I'm a witch." Rachel spat out. "They're after the Book of Shadows, probably our powers. I say blow." The woman held her hands up. "I trust them." The girl said nicely. The woman pushed her eyebrows together. "Why?" She asked.

"Because they're pretty. How about this. We get Parker over here to use her empathy on them." She said with a smile. The blonde haired teleported out in blue and white lights. My eyes widened. He teleported back in. Moments later a pink glow started to form right next to Rachel and I. A girl was now standing in front of us. Parker. She walked over to Rachel and stared at her. She slowly walked over to me. I started to get that feeling again. She stared at me. I instantly remembered what Rachel told me.

I could block supportive powers. I stared at her back. "They're both good but this one blocked my power somehow at the end." Parker said. "I guess that's good, sorta.." The woman crossed her arms. "What are you?" The girl asked me. "She's a werewolf." Rachel responded. "I'm glad to help but I gotta blast." Parker teleported out. "A werewolf? Wow I never meant one." The man said. "Anyways, I'm Melinda, these are my brothers Wyatt and Chris, and my parents Piper and Leo." Melinda said.

"I'm Avalon and this is Rachel." I responded. "We were here to make a teleportation potion to travel to the underworld." Rachel said. "Underworld? Why?" Chris asked. "Something was taken from me. I need to get it back." I seriously said. "We can help!" Melinda smiled. "Uh, this doesn't really sound like a life threatening problem." Piper stated. "This necklace is a very powerful werewolf object that could be very dangerous in the wrong hands. If one of you guys can orb us to the underworld, we'll be on our way."

"What's orbing?" I asked Rachel. "This." Wyatt orbed out and orbed back in. I smiled. "What other powers do you have?" Leo asked. "Only one. Sensing." Rachel said embarrassed. "So you guys want to fight a demon even though you have no active power?" Melinda asked while chuckling. Rachel crossed her arms. "Oh yeah? What can you do?" I asked her. "This." She flicked her hands towards Leo and he froze. My eyes widened in excitement. "That's so cool." I said. She flicked her hands and Leo unfroze.

"I think we should help them." Wyatt said. Piper rolled her eyes. "Fine. Who is this guy anyways?" She asked. Chris walled over to the Book of Shadows. "Alexander Turner." Rachel responded. "On it." Chris lifted two fingers and the pages started to flip on its own. I raised my eyebrows into the air. "He's not in here." He said. "We'll just have to wing it. Should we get the others?" Melinda asked. "No. Prue can barely control her levitation, Patience doesn't know how to beam, The twins constantly fight, and HJ has a giant pimple on his nose which is just so weird to look at. Besides, what's one lousy demon?" Piper asked.
Wyatt had orbed Rachel and I to the underworld while Chris orbed Melinda and Piper. We all quickly hid behind rocks as we watched Alex talk to two demons. He held my necklace into the air. "This gentleman, is the answer to all of our problems." He put the necklace on. "I feel the same. Why isn't it working!?" He angrily asked. Piper flicked her hands and one of the demons exploded. She flicked her hands again and the other demon exploded.

"It didn't work because only a werewolf could active it." Rachel said as her and I stood up. "You two again. I'm guessing you didn't come alone." He said with a smile. "Right again." Piper said as her, Melinda, Wyatt, and Chris stood up. "Ah the Halliwells. Come to take back the necklace I see." He simply said. "You see right." Chris responded. We all looked at him in confusion. "Okay I honestly have no time for this." He waved his hand and about 50 demons spawned in.

He smiled. "Have fun." He teleported out with the use of fire. Piper, Melinda, Wyatt and Chris jumped into their battle stance. "Ready everyone?" Piper asked as she raised her hands into the air. "Well I don't have an active power so I'm gonna go behind that rock." Rachel ran behind a rock. "What about you wolfie?" Wyatt asked with a smile. Wolfie? I like it. "Uh I barely know how to control my abilities." I quickly responded. Suddenly, a fireball flew passed my face barely missing me. "You better learn."  Wyatt Pushed out a wave of energy killing a few demons. Piper exploded demons left and right.

Chris waved his arms rapidly sending demons flying everywhere. Melinda rushed out and froze a few demons. "Mom over here!" She called out. Piper exploded the frozen demons. "Thanks sweetie." Piper nicely said. Wyatt made a sword appear in his hand. My eyes widened. "Mel catch." He threw the sword to Melinda. She caught it and froze a demon. She then stabbed him in the stomach. "Avalon look out!" Rachel shouted. I looked forward to see a fireball coming right towards me. I quickly did a back flip and dogged it. "Woah.." I said to myself. A fire ball hit me in the arm ruining the sleeve.

"This shirt was a gift!" I angrily said. I balled up my fist."Woah wolfie your eyes are glowing." Wyatt said. I charged into the crowd of demons. I spun around with claws out knocking the demons down. I jumped into the other crowd and did the same. The rest of the demons disappeared. Alex teleported in slowly clapping his hands. "Well done Avalon. No really." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the necklace. He threw it to me. "What? Your giving it back?" Rachel came from behind the rocks.

"You see Paulette." Alex began to say. "My name is Rachel." Rachel angrily shouted. "Does it matter? Anyways, I just had a delightful premonition. Apparently, Avalon dates Chris in a future. If I play my cards right I could have a perfect opportunity to take the necklace then. Your the key to everything Avalon. I'll call it operation C." He said. "What the hell are you talking about?" I pushed my eyebrows together. "Doesn't really matter. None of you will remember this. See ya in a couple of years." Alex waved his hand. Rachel and I were now standing in my living room
"Rachel and I didn't know how we got the necklace back, or who took it in the first place. All we knew was that something brought us close together. Rachel had to go back to her coven. Before she left, she trained me. She taught me how to control my abilities and use my power. So to answer your question, yes I'm happy I became a werewolf because I had a good friend like Rachel to help me along the way."

I said to PJ and Patience. We were playing a questions game in the Halliwell attic. They looked at each other than back at me. "I asked you what was your favorite color.." PJ said. "Oh. Red."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now