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PJ P. O. V

I stood in the basement of the manor. I thought to myself. What powers do Wyatt and Alex have in common? Telekinesis and conjuring. If they have those powers, I should have those powers too right? I took a small breath and waved my hand trying to move the small table a few inches in front of me. Nothing happened. I squinted my eyes and still nothing "Apple." I said in an attempt to conjure a apple. "apple!" I said again but this time it actually worked. My eyes widened. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I squealed. "That was me." Diana said standing at the top of the stairs. "Oh." I said sounding a bit disappointed.

She walked at the bottom of the steps. "Okay look don't tell Courtney and Adam I told you this, your a Latin witch just like me." She said causing me to raise my eyebrows. "Really? What can I do?" I asked. We sat down on the steps. "We can use spells and they always come out the way you want them too. And, you can use them for personal gain. You can also revive death and many other cool abilities." She explained with a smile. "Cool." I excitedly said. "How do I tap into them?" I asked. Her smile quickly faded. "I can't tell you. If Courtney and Adam see that you tapped into your full powers quicker than you did the first time, they're going to know I had something to do with it." She stood up from the stairs. "Sorry PJ." She orbed out. I let out a frustrating sigh and placed my head in my hands.
I flipped the pages of the Book Of Shadows. Patience beamed in. "PJ it is eight am..what are you looking for?" She asked curious. "The truth spell. I need to use it on Diana." I explained. Patience walked closer behind me. "Do you remember the last time someone used a truth spell?" She asked. I instantly thought about last year. "Okay your right. I was just desperate." I plopped onto the couch. "There There, come talk to mama Patience." She said sitting down on the couch. I placed my head in her lap.

"It's just so frustrating knowing that I have all this powers inside of me and not being able to use them." I wined. "I feel useless like when Demi Lovato got cheated on by Joe Jonas and got sent to rehab." Patience petted my hair. "I know, I know very depressing." She calmly replied. I let out a deep sigh. "Sweetie you can't rush things. You obviously tap into your powers soon. Just wait for them. Your still a karate fighting, power using, bad ass Cupid-Witch. Remember that." She said in an attempt to cheer me up. "Oh yeah? your a karate fighting, power using, wand wielding Cupid- Witch. Your WAY more powerful." I said. "Okay I have an Idea." She responded. "Really? what?" I asked. She beamed out causing my head to hit the couch.

I woke up to a sleeping Chris. He looked so cute as he lowly snored. I continued to watch him as he began waking up. "Hi." He said with a smile. "Hi." I replied with a smile.
"Look, I don't want you to think that I'm one of those guys who just uses a girl for sex. I really like you Avalon. Which Is why I'm asking you to be my girlfriend." He said causing my smile to grow bigger. This is what I was waiting for. I jumped on top of him and began kissing him.

"No." I said to my mom as she held up the ugliest dress I ever seen. She picked up another. "No." I once again replied. She held up another one. "Yes." I said with a smile. "Really?" She asked. "No." I replied in a serious tone. "On to the next pile." She said as she searched through her closet. "Why do you need a dress again?" I asked. "Because tomorrow is a very important school board meeting. The super intended will be there." She responded. Kat busted into the room. "I think I know how to find them. The masked strangers." She sat on mom and Dad's bed. "How?" I asked. "I'll tap into one of their dreams and see if I can get one to take off their mask." She said. "Let's try anything. I wanna get that son of a bitch for attacking me." Mom said. Kat laid down flat on the bed. "Wish me luck!" She closed her eyes.

Avalon was laying on the attic couch texting on her phone. I walked into the attic holding a duffle bag. "Wolfie, I mean Avalon." I said as her head shot up at me. "What do you want?" She asked coldly. I walked over to the couch as she sat up. "Let's end the beef." I said bluntly. "What?" She aaked confused. "I wanna end our problems. So as a piece offering, I bought food because I know werewolves love food." She rolled her eyes. I reached into the duffle bag and gave her a sandwich rapped in plastic and a can soda. She looked at the two items I had just gave her and looked back up at me with an eyebrow cocked.

"What is this really about?" She asked. I sighed. "Fine. Tori said If we make nice, she'll go on a date with me." I told her. She placed a strain of hair behind her ear. "Thank you for telling me." She replied. "So are we cool?" I asked. "No." She quickly answered. I pushed my eyebrows together. "What? why?" I asked. "Because I hate you Wyatt. The first time I saw you I went flying. You constantly ask me stupid werewolf questions that make no sense. So no, we are not cool." She said. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Have fun getting the fleas out of your hair Wolfie." I said in a mean tone. "Have fun getting the sprite out of your eyes Witch." She responded. I pushed my eyebrows together. "What does that have to do with witches?" I asked confused. She used her werewolf strength to crush the can soda over my head. "Oh I get it." I replied. She flashed a fake smile and walked out if the attic.

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