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Synopsis: Kat convinces Morgan to join the fight, Melinda tries to figure out what's wrong with Austin, Parker finds out where Tamora got her inspiration from, Team Evil makes a discovery.

"Dude? You just killed my fairy god mother."

"Oops. My bad.. I thought she was hurting you." He said sincerely.

I let out a sigh. "It's okay. She was a little annoying anyways. She was showing me who was coming after me." I explained.

"Well what did you see?" Oliver sat down on the bed.

"It was all blurry. I couldn't make it out." I said.

"I bet it's the Evo scientists. There's no way they're going to leave us alone." He responded.

"Well whoever it is we should go to the manor. It's more safe there."

Oliver nodded his head. He grabbed my hand and water teleported out.
KAT P. O. V.
I saw Morgan near her locker with headphones in her ear. I approached her and tapped her shoulder.

"Oh hey." She took out her headphones.

"Hey. What were you listening too?" I curiously asked.

"Oh nothing. I just put my headphones on so people won't try to talk to me." She said with a smile.

"Uh.. Okay. Guess who got their powers back!" I said excitedly.

Her eyes widened. "No way. How?" She asked.

"The elders want us to vanquish a powerful demon. You in?" I asked.

"Yeah I really don't do 'good' deeds." She put air quotes around the word.

"Come on. We could really use another Cross blood's help on this."

"You already have two Cross bloods, ten witches, three wand wielders, two werewolves, and a Latin witch." She pointed out.

"Your right but still. Just say you'll help." I begged.

"Ugh fine Blondie." She rolled her eyes as I smiled.
I approached Austin who was near his locker.

"Hey." I got on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss. He didn't even kiss back. I pushed my eyebrows together as I looked at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" I sincerely asked.

"I really don't wanna talk about it." He turned away from me and began opening his locker.

"Honey whatever it is you can tell me." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

He quickly brushed it off. "Melinda not now." Once he got his books he angrily slammed his locker door and walked away.

"Hey Melinda I just heard. Trouble in paradise?" Kat asked as she approached me.

I rolled my eyes as I walked away.
Tamora and I sat at a table in study hall discussing the the quest. Ms. Powell began to walk up to us with a bright smile.

"Hey guys. Tamora I came here to tell you that I love your superhero report. The best in the class. You get an A." She said happily.

Tamora's eyes widened in excitement. "An A? Really?"

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant