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A/N- Read chapter 25 before 26!

(Photo- Avalon)


It was morning and mom, Wyatt, and I were eating breakfast at the table. Dad walked in with a smile. "Guess who's back in regular clothes again." He said with a smile. Melinda walked into the kitchen wearing a blue blouse with blue skinny jeans and white sneakers. "Morning." She said grabbing an Apple from the basket of fruit that was sitting on the table. "Morning sweetie. You hungry?" Mom asked.

"Nah I gotta get to school. I missed four weeks of school work." She responded. Orbs started to form next to Melinda. She quickly flicked her hands and froze them. "Oh god that's probably Wes. I'm not ready to see him yet. Tell him I'm not here." She orbed out and the orbs un froze. Wes was now standing in the kitchen.

"Hey everyone. Is Mel here?" He asked. "You just missed her. She went to the school." I told him. He orbed out. Wyatt stood up from the table. "I gotta start planning Tori's party. She is going to love it." He walked out.

I was walking through the ally on my way to school with Tamora. We were both wearing our cheer leading outfits."She went into his head and got nothing." Tamora had just explained how Kat went into one of the masked strangers dreams. A man appeared behind a dumpster causing Tamora and I to back up a little. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. "Oh my God it's a hobo." Tamora whispered to me. He wore black shorts and a black sleeveless shirt. "He doesn't look like a hobo to me." I whispered back. We immediately dropped our bags. A half smile appeared on his face revealing fangs. Tamora placed her eyes on a metal pipe. "Pipe!" The pipe came orbing at him in full speed. He jumped in the air dodging the pipe. He landed back on the ground.

I astral projected and kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble back. My astral self and I started fighting with him. I swung at him and before I knew it he was behind me. My astral self tripped him. She pulled out a aero wand. The man turned into a bat and flew away. "Oh my god you have a wand too?" I excitedly asked my astral self. She smiled. "I know right it's totally awesome." She replied. "Um get rid of her." Tamora said pointing at my astral self. I rolled my eyes and my astral self disappeared in a reddish glow.

"You think that was a cross blood?" Tamora asked. "It had to be. They seem to be giving us warnings. The books in magic school says that their powers are way more powerful than ours. Come on let's get to school and tell the others."
HJ P. O. V

Patience just told us that her and Tamora got attacked by one of the Cross bloods. The masked strangers and Cross bloods are making me loose my mind. Tracy has been keeping her distance from me ever since I snapped at her in the basement. With all the commotion going on I decided that we needed to to on a date. It was lunch and Tracy was sitting down at a lunch table. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "Hey babe." I said with a smile. "Hi." She simply replied sounding as if she didn't want to talk to me. I gently grabbed her hand. "Look I'm sorry Tracy. I didn't mean to snap at you. Do you know what we need?" I asked her. She let out a sigh. "What?"

"A date." I said with a smile. "A date sounds like a lot of fun." Chris said as him and Avalon approached the table. They sat down. "Let's make it a double date!" Avalon suggested. "What about bowling?" Tracy asked everyone. "You know HJ is-" Chris began to say. "Great at bowling. It's a double date!"

"Wow this is awesome. My girlfriend is a witch." Logan excitedly said. "Honey I told you that a week ago. You don't have to say it every morning." I replied. Christie flamed In the kitchen with her wand in her hand. I've been avoiding her ever since she came back. "Oh um Logan this is Christie. Christie this is my boyfriend slash baby's father." I said. "It's nice to meet you." They shook hands. "Billie I really need to talk to you." She said in a concerned tone of voice . "Chrisite there is nothing to talk about. You tried to kill me last time I saw you." I replied. "Yeah and you actually did kill me. Well sorta." "In self defensive!" I shouted. "Were not sisters." I walked out of the kitchen as Logan followed. =================================================================================================


I watched as Billie and her boyfriend walked out of the Halliwell kitchen. "Fine you just have to go down just like the rest of them." I circled my wand around and flamed out.



It was HJ's turn to bowl. He took a deep breath and released the ball out of his hand. It went straight in the gutter. "You just gotta warm up." Tracy said as HJ started walking back over to us. "I'm sure that's it." He replied. It was now Avalon's turn. She released the ball and got a strike. She excitedly threw her hands in the air and gave me a kiss. Tracy was up next. She released the ball and knocked every pin down expect one. She went again and knocked the final pin down getting a spare. It was my turn. I released the ball and got a strike. It was HJ's turn again. He released the ball and once again it went in the gutter. "Aw little Halliwell nerd doesn't know how to bowl?" Todd Stevenson asked referring to HJ. He was on my basketball team. I knew HJ was horrible at bowling. The only reason he agreed to go was because Tracy wanted too. There was only one thing to do. I reached into my pocket and pulled out $50 and placed it on the table in front of him. "I bet HJ can beat you." I said causing HJ's eyes to widen. He pulled me aside. "You know I'm horrible at bowling." He said. "Just trust me." I walked back over towards Avalon, Tracy,and Todd.

HJ followed. "Okay Chris." Todd reached into his pocket. "I'll double it." He placed a $50 bill on the table. "Okay HJ your up first." I said. He had a not so sure look on his face but went up anyways. He took a deep breath and released the ball. I squinted my eyes and the ball that was about to go in the gutter hit all the pins. Tracy clapped her hands excitedly as a smile appeared on HJ's face. "Lucky shot." Todd picked up a ball. He released it and the ball went full speed towards the middle. I squinted my eyes and the ball went into the gutter. Every shot HJ made became a strike. It was Todd's final bowl. He released the ball as I squinted my eyes and the ball went Into the gutter. "Sweetie why do you keep squinting?" She asked. "Uh it's probably something in my eye." I lied. "Let me see." She placed a hand on the side of my face as she stared into my eyes. She thumped me on my forehead. "Quit using your powers to help HJ win." She said. "I won?" HJ asked excitedly. "I won! Take that basketball douche." He said to Todd. "Come on babe. Lets go buy you a pair of Shoes." He said to Tracy as she smiled. They left the bowling ally. Todd walked away with embarrassment in his eyes. "See what's the worst that can happen?" I asked Avalon.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now