Creatures of Strength

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"Then how are you sure it's us?"

Wyatt stopped in his spot then turned to him. His gray eyes met the boy's and he said, "Because, in the past 10 years, exactly four people haven't passed through our portal at the same time. Reina almost thought this was one of those times until she heard from the old witch that she had three of them with her. It is mostly why she has toughened her act and is training the four of you."

"Why us?" Benji still couldn't believe it.

"None of you are anything special. You just happened to fall down the portal together."

Benji was not only deflated, but hurt. He had been brought here for selfish reasons. And before he left this god forsaken world, it was going to be five months in human years. What were his parents going to say? What would Mr. River say?

How would Edgar, Silas, and Ava take this?

"Don't look so down," Wyatt said suddenly, and Benji almost forgot he was standing in front of him. The man raked a hand through Benji's messy blond hair then added, "Think about the adventure."

"Not fun when there are consequences." He eyed the man.

Wyatt's lips quirked up, looking oddly endearing with the smirk on his face. "How about I teach you how to have fun with it?"

Benji narrowed his eyes at the man. "How?"

He smirked wider.


     Silas stood awkwardly in Edgar's room. The boy had dragged him in there and warned him not to leave. Silas wouldn't have dared to if they were okay with each other, but they weren't, and it took everything in him not to bolt out of there. Edgar had gone to take a shower and have a good shave. Silas wondered what he was referring to since he didn't have any hair growing on his face.

Silas hadn't expected the older boy to be 20. They hadn't exactly introduced themselves with their ages. Edgar was two years older than him and just a year younger than his sister. Silas briefly wondered if it was the lack of beard that made him look younger.

"Reina! Reina!"

Silas heard Izzy's voice calling from downstairs, and he peeped out of the room as Reina came out of hers. The dark-skinned woman stretched before replying to her friend.

"Woman, people need their peace and quiet in this house."

Izzy ran up the spiral stairs in her flowing pink and black gown, not the slightest bit out of breath when she met up with the smaller lady. "Reina, something is going on in my town. There are vampires on my fifth step, and that is where the new rice is currently being moved from. We never have vampires in my city because we don't have a blood bank. What is going on? I don't want my festival ruined. If they get past the third step, I am going to go crazy."

Reina's brows furrowed with unease. "Izzy calm down."

"Reina, don't you get it?" The tall witch threw her hands up in exasperation. She turned in Silas' direction, and he quickly hid back in the room just as she yelled, "Akane!!"

Silas heard the thud of Akane's boots as if she had just appeared in front of his door as she answered. "I'm here."

"Gather the soldiers. I want the whole damn place covered. Any vampire they come across must be arrested and brought to the dungeons for questioning. They know very well this city is a no vampire zone and yet..."

"As you wish, Elizabeth." Akane interrupted, and her presence disappeared from against Silas' door.

"Calm down Izzy." Reina ordered immediately.

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