Creatures of Pasts

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     Staring down at Silas, Edgar, Benji and Reina, Ava propped her elbow on the window sill and sighed as she listened to the mage tutor the rune bearers.

"I hope you lot have eaten because today's training ain't going to be sweet." Reina rubbed her stomach then took a quick glance up at her window and Ava resisted the urge to smile. She quickly gave her a small nod and Reina scowled before looking back at the boys in front of her.

The three of them had magically healed after dinner with Izzy last night. Reina had admitted that it was a healing potion the witch had put in their food and it made Ava instantly wary of food that she hadn't seen being prepared. However, the Curry rice had been amazing.

"So, what are we doing today?" Edgar said, taking off his sleeveless white shirt which read, 'New Thang'. "And why isn't Xavier here? He seems to know a lot about runes."

Reina huffed, folding her arms over her chest and leaning her weight on one foot. "Yeah, well, I taught him about runes before he decided he wanted to know more about Magic squares and circles."

Benji cocked his head at that, his blond hair ruffling in the cool breeze. "What are those?"

"They are similar to runes, just less... personal. Magic squares let you capture whatever beast you want and then keep them in your magic circle. In this case, you don't need to harm the beast except maybe a little to show dominance." She answered. "Magic circles have a far larger space than a rune but involve a blood ritual which means you have to spill your own blood to open them."

"That's sick. So is that where Xavier keeps his dragons or are they just flying about?" The blonde asked.

"He keeps them in his magic circle, yes. Once the dragons or beasts are owned, they cannot be stolen unless the thief knows where Xavier's magic circle leads to. And that is the differences between runes and magic circles."

Silas scratched his head, looking absolutely lost. "Eh? Difference? I thought that was a similarity?"

Benji snickered. "Dumb Silas! The difference is Runes are located on your body and when you take the beast or person's power, it becomes part of us. However, Magic circles are..." Silas cocked his head curiously, waiting for him to finish but Edgar continued.

"-Like portals that let a person teleport his captured beast from where he has kept them to where he draws his blood. Am I right?" He moved back to stand between Benji and Silas as he finished his explanation.

"Pretty much. But enough about magic-"

"Do you need magic to do it?" Reina frowned at Benji's question and he gave her a weak smile.

"Yes, you do."

"Wow! So that means he has magic. Does Wyatt have magic?"

"Yes," She drawled.

Benji gasped. "Then do you have magic?"

"Christ, Benji! Let it go." Edgar slapped him upside the head and the boy glared at him.


     Reina only sighed and Ava could almost feel the frustration from where she watched them several rooms from the ground. The lady dropped her hands to her side and said, "Yes, I do have magic. I am a Mage but I don't normally tell people about that so I would prefer if you didn't mention it again. I have my reasons. Now back to Runes," Throwing Benji a glare when he opened his mouth, she continued, "In a couple of hours, the witch's link with your runes will loosen and you'll have to learn to control your new power before you leave this tower."

"Oh wow, you rhymed."

Edgar hit Benji again and when the boy turned to glare at him, his friend responded with a frown. "Yeah, I'm going to keep hitting you if you don't focus. And you need it more since your beast almost killed Silas."

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