The time is now.

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There are so many people around the world who are living without the Almighty Jesus Christ Of Nazareth in their lives, people who have rejected the Lord and accepted the Devil into their lives. I am not here to reject or condemn anyone I am merely a messenger of the Lord and I only act on the will of the Holy Spirit and it has fallen on my heart to preach to you about those amongst us who call ourselves Christians however our lives say otherwise.

In the book of Matthew 7:21 it states: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven." The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth States that not all of the people who say unto Him Lord Lord will enter eternal life BUT ONLY THOSE WHO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER IN HEAVEN. You can be the most generous humanitarian person on earth and give all of your wealth to the less fortunate but it means nothing to God if you do not carry out the will of the father. We are living in a society where people claim to be one thing but turn out to be the complete opposite. In the same way, we have many people who claim to be Christians however do not act as a Christian would act. We must always remember first and fore most that God is holy, holiness means to be pure. A Christian has no place in a bar drinking intoxicating drinks that will alter their behaviour if consumption is high, fornication is wrong in all aspects, adultery, smoking, lies, drug taking, covetousness, masturbation and so much more, rid yourself of these sins and all other impurities in your lives, allow God to transform you from all these things that are evil so that you may live in the purpose of God for your life.

What is the will of the father? The will of Our Father in Heaven is for His beloved children to be reconciled through Him by accepting His Son Jesus Christ Of Nazareth as their Lord and personal saviour in order for the family of God to be redeemed by the blood of His precious Son and to begin the restoration of the foundation that was broken between humanity and The Almighty. Once you have confessed your sins to Jesus Christ and you are willingly desirous of a change of heart, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is gracious enough to forgive you of your sins and to wash them away with His blood. He will wash your filthy robe clean and will acknowledge you as a new creation in Him.

Being a new creation in Our King isn't just about being "religious". Religious people just perform religious rituals and unfortunately lack intimacy with God, but spiritual people are fortunate enough to have a relationship with God. Having a relationship with God is filled with so much intimacy and love, but when you have that relationship with God you will have your happy moments, your sad moments, your turmoils, sometimes you will want to cry, scream, laugh your self to death (not literally of course!), but through it all you will still yearn for more of the Lord.

Brethren, I know what it feels like, when you start to doubt God in your life and you will want to forget about Him but through it all don't look back, remember how far God has brought you.
I hope this message has helped someone out there, don't be shy to drop comments in the comments box.
God bless you all, Amen!  

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