Temptation and Trials

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1 Corinthians 10:13:
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

God will never put us into situations we cannot handle or situations we aren't prepared for. God gives us situations He knows we can handle, He puts us in these situations to test our faith- God tests His children all the time!

He tests us with the tiniest of things to test our faith in Him. Why do we need to be tested? It is vital we pass these test because we need to prove to God that we trust Him in all circumstances- even the really small ones. By passing the small tests, we then get given bigger tests as we mature in the Lord. A test of our faith could simply be: being stuck in traffic.
Will you moan and groan to God complaining about the traffic or will you use the time in traffic to praise God and remember that God is in control.

You don't have to worry when you don't pass the test, because God will continually give us those tests until we pass in a way that pleases Him. When we are being tested it is important that we do the right thing, for example if someone comes up to you and slaps you should turn and let them slap your other cheek (Luke 6:29). In all situations try as best as you can to copy the example Jesus left for us, by reacting to tests in the same way Jesus would have. If you do you will always pass.

We all our tempted to get angry when someone does something to harm us, but we have to remember that we are born again and we don't live that old life so we can't just burst into sudden anger, approach everyone and everything with a heart full of love and not anger. It is not a sin to be tempted but it does become a sin when you act on it. Temptations and trials are all part of our journey with The Lord. The journey is difficult at times but with God, nothing is impossible.

Always remember that God is with you and has never forsaken you!
Have faith in God and all will be well!
(If you have any questions or worries about today's chapter feel free to comment and I will gladly answer.)

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