You have been redeemed.

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This is one of things a lot of people don't fully understand. When we came onto this Earth, we came empty handed and in the same way we will leave. You are born worthy, because it is God who has made you worthy and redeemed you by sending His only son.

You are a vessel to carry blood, you are the paper not the pencil, you are the servant not the server. What I'm saying is that you are to be used by God to carry out His mighty plans. You are not in control God is and we must understand this concept. We only have power because God has given us power.

You are not on the same level as God, you never can be, but that is why we are called the Children of God- what a privilege! Because of God's undying love for us as a Father, He didn't give up on us. The Lord has redeemed you and made us whole again. We aren't made of our own but we are redeemed because of God's grace and compassion.

Give the glory to God and stay humble.

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