Why it's important to read your bible?

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Psalm 119:105:
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
The Bible is a lamp to your feet, a guide, a compass and a GPS.
The Bible gives an answer for every question we may have and an answer to every situation imaginable.
It's so vital to read your Bible because there is so much false teaching [Romans 16:17]. The Bible is the truth, the most reliable source to guide you to live a God pleasing life- because it is God's direct word [Timothy 3:16].

-Have total love and commitment for the Bible
- Value it and cherish it, because when all else fails, you can always rely on God's
word (The Bible)
-Read The Bible for the salvation of your soul.

Sorry it's a little bit short today, but I pray that all readers take something from this.
There is a song above, please listen to it and meditate on it.
God bless Stacie ❤️

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