Having Faith

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Jesus died for your sins, that through Him all things are possible, but not only this,  believe God is with you through the good and bad times.

Your faith needs to be put into practice in difficult circumstances and even during ordinary times when things are both good and bad.

Our works prove that faith, for example:
when you are being evicted from your house:
a person of faith: is calm and praising God.
opposite person: is worried calling people on the phone and looking for options.

Our faith should match up with our works otherwise there is something wrong with our faith.
What we do expresses what we believe.
If there is faith, there should be works that agree with that faith. As you begin to confess what you believe in your heart, you will develop faith.

The truth is that when we truly believe when our hearts at rest, at peace.

Being a Teen Christian: The Time Is nowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora