Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V

"How could you do that to you own daughter?" I asked shocked staring at the woman before me.

"I cut out my own daughters heart and replaced it with my own which of course killed her but only after I had put her heart into mine. " She said and sighed softly

"Why would you do something like that?" I asked trying not to throw up at the thought of it.

"Well to me it was always about getting all of the powers I could so I had seduced Lucifer and when we had, had sex we conceived a daughter. She was a beatufiful girl and was such a joy to be around but soon... well I was convinced I needed to take over hell to run it my way. So when Tabitha had come of age to be considered an adult in the demon world I proved to Lucifer that she was my daughter and he unlocked her powers within her. After he did though I cut her heart out and replaced it with my own killing her..." She said and looked down trying not to cry.

"But why don't you rule hell than?" I asked softly.

"Well because after I killed her it dawned on me what I really had done, that I was so cold hearted I would kill my own daughter just to gain more power." She said and looked up at the ceiling and I watched as tears fell down her face, "I couldn't live with myself so I changed the way I looked to make a replica of her and I changed her body to look like mine so that it seemed I had died instead of her. After I did that I ran away to here and started to live life as my daughter as she would have lived life. In my own way I guess that's my apology to her for caring more about myself than I did for her."

"Well I don't think my mom will feel very sad if she kills me for my powers. Actually I'm almost ninety percent positive she would laugh as she cut my heart out and replaced it with her own." I said disgust in my voice as Tabitha helped me out of the bath and into a robe before leading me to a bedroom. Looking inside I noticed almost nothing had changed the walls where still pink and purple stuffed bunnies where scattered around the floor there was a queen sized bed in the corner of the room with a blanket that had pink and purple stripes as the pattern. There were no windows at all in the room and the closet looked like it had been untouched for a millennia it was completely covered in cobwebs.

"Come on lay down and rest for the night dear and tomorrow we will see what we can do for you." Tabitha said and I nodded understanding she wanted to help me escape from my mother.

"Thank you Tabitha I'm sure we will find a way." I said and laid down in the bed as she handed me the covers.

"Alright well goodnight (Y/N) sleep well." She said and walked out of the room heading downstairs and I could almost hear the conversation my mom and her where having but I couldn't quite tell what they where saying so I just closed my eyes and prayed that either Tabitha would help me.

It was the middle of the night when I woke up from a horrible dream of watching my entire family die from my mothers hands after she replaced her heart with mine. Slowly I sat up from the bed and sighed to myself getting up and started to head down the stairs to get a drink of water. When I was halfway down the stairs I heard my mothers and Tabitha's voices.

"She believes I'm going to help her escape from you and when we leave tomorrow morning I'll take her to Lucifer and when you arrive we will perform the ceremony right in front of him and make him watch as we kill his daughter." I heard Tabith say and I took a step back surprised that she was playing me all along. Moving backwards I went to the back door and quietly left heading as quickly as I could back towards the house where sebastian was cause maybe just maybe my family had come to save me.

Sebastian's Sister's Daughter (Book 2 of Sebastian's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now