Chapter 7

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"SUBARU!!!!!" Grell yelled getting up and running towards the boy with white hair, red eyes and pale skin, wearing noble clothes. As Grell jumped at the boy making a kissy face the boy stepped to the side and Grell hit the wall... Hard.

"I said what do you think you are doing Grell." The boy Subaru said.

"These people need your help to find there mom AND MY SEBBY!!!" Grell yelled standing up

"Sebby is my uncle don't you dare call him yours he's aunty's Sebby!" I yelled at Grell

"He was mine first!" Grell yelled back.

"Shut up Grell!" Subaru yelled and punched him sending him over the railing of the stairs onto the floor below. Sighing the boy walked down the stairs and walked over to me holding out his hand. "My name is Subaru Sakamaki."

"I'm Rose Phantomhive." I said and put my hand in his expecting him to shake it instead he pulled my hand to his lips kissing the knuckles lightly. I started blushing as my dad and my aunt walked in.

"I'm assuming you are the boy Grell has brought us to, to talk to." My dad said putting his hand on my shoulder gently pulling me away from Subaru.

"I would assume so considering I am the only one who lives here. I'm Subaru Sakamaki." Subaru said shaking my dads hand.

"Ciel Phantomhive and this is Sapphire Michaelis." Dad said

"Very nice to meet you ma'am." Subaru said holding out his hand to her as she shook it.

"How old are you young man?" Dad asked and I almost cringed knowing why dad asked.

"Well I have the body of a 18 year old but in actual terms I'm 200 years of course you would know this you did work for my mother 200 years ago." Subaru said

"Of course it's still hard to believe Queen Victoria had a child after her first one and her husband had died." Dad said

"Well my father was an angel it's not impossible for him to not have convinced her in some way." Subaru said I noticed that he kept glancing at me and every time he did I could feel my face heat up.

"So is it true you know where every demon is in hell?" Dad asked.

"Yes it is true. I have a map of every level of hell even the minor minor ones and it keeps track of where every demon is all I need to do is record the data and send it to those who need it." Subaru said.

"Does that mean you can tell us if my mom and uncle are there?" I asked looking up at him since he was a good foot taller than me.

"I probably can when did they go into hell?" Subaru asked

"Two days ago." I said and looked to the side to see Grell shuffling around on the floor still in the same pace he fell.

"Ah yes two demons had entered hell two days ago that haven't been there for a while." Subaru said and started walking up the stairs motioning for us to follow.

We all followed him up the stairs and down different hallways that where almost more confusing than my house almost. When we got to the last room he opened the door to reveal that every wall looked like a large map with tiny figures moving and you could see the fire that was around them. "What is this?" I asked

"This is the map of hell it keeps track of every movement and the fire is what separates each room or layer of hell." Subaru said standing next to me.

"So how do you know which is my mom and my uncle than?" I asked looking up at him.

"Easy just give me there full names and I'll be able to find them." Subaru said looking down at me and I couldn't help but keep staring into his red eyes they where so pretty.

My dad cleared his throat before saying, "It's (Y/N) Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis that's their names they do not have a middle name."

"Well then," Subaru said looking away from me and at my dad, "they shouldn't be hard to find." He walked over to the desk and took out a pen before walking to the wall and scribbling (Y/N) Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis. The images one the wall started blurring going level after level down moving at a speed a normal human wouldn't be able to comprehend. "There they are." Subaru pointed when the map stopped.

There where to figures in what seemed to be like cages reaching out for each other seeming to try and know they aren't alone. There's two other figures though one that's sitting in a house playing a piano and another who is staring at the cells who looks like they are laughing. Clenching my fists I could feel my nails biting into my skin hard almost breaking it. "That evil woman has mom and uncle Sebby in cages! I'll make her pay for hurting them!" I shouted my eyes turning pink.

Boom another chapter out and it didn't take me a month 😂 I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter vote? Comment? Love me? No? Ok *runs away and cries* oh also I'm not sure if I got the information on Victoria right about losing the child I know she lost the husband but I think it mentioned in one show she also lost a child I'm not sure tho so don't be mad

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