Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V

I don't know how long we walked but it felt like we had been walking for days on end, but I knew this walk well it was the way we always took when me and mother went to go see my uncle when I was a child. Of course as I grew older I knew that he was never really my uncle, but mother always insisted that I go see him that I needed to bond with him. Though she would never let Sebby go and it always puzzled me but now I know why.

"Alright we will stop here for the night let me talk to Tabitha about staying with her tonight you stay here and don't move or I will stab you through the stomach killing your disgusting little child." Mother said giving me a terribly psychotic smile.

"Of course mother!" I spat glaring at her before turning away and slowly lowering myself to the ground so that I didn't fall on my ass.

"What a rude tone of voice you'll be regretting that later." She said and I heard her start walking away and I wanted to run so bad, but she'd be able to catch up to me cause when I was pregnant I couldn't run as fast or as far as I could before.

I waited probably ten minutes before I heard a highpitched squeal that I hoped I would never have to hear again, "Oh my god its little (Y/N)!" Tabitha squawked like a chicken and two arms wrapped around me from behind.

Sighing I put on a fake smile and stood up turning around to look at her, "Hello Tabitha it is a pleasure to see you, you haven't changed one bit." And she hasn't she still had her long blonde hair that reached her waist her eyes were still that odd bright blue color even though we naturally all have pink or red eyes. She was still about 4' 11" and she still had that damn high pitched voice that no demon could stand.

"Tabitha bring your voice down an octave." Mother said frowning at the girl as she hugged me.

"I don't wanna! And you can't make me." Tabitha said sticking her tongue at mother her eyes glowing a brighter green, "You need a place to stay so that when the animals come out you won't be killed so you just have to deal with my voice got it aunty."

"You little bitch of a child... fine but when I talk to your father about this I will make sure you go through some real pain." Mother said glaring at her with a deep hate.

"You can try!" Tabitha said giggling before taking my hands gently seeing that they were bleeding from the cuffs that were around my hands. "Come dear cousin lets get you inside and cleaned up and a nice bed so that you can lay down I'm sure you and that baby you are carrying are tired."

"Thank you Tabitha, that's very nice of you to do." I said looking at the girl wondering how she could stand up to my mother like that and wondering why I had always hated her except for the fact that her voice still annoyed me.

"Of course anything for family." She said smiling and led me into the house never once letting go of my hands and glancing every now and then keeping an eye on my mother. Once we were inside she sat me at the table and looked at my mother putting her hands on her hips. "How bout you get these cuffs off of her so that she can actually go and clean herself up hm?"

"Only for her to clean up afterwards she has to put them back on." Mother said her eyes slowly growing a brighter pink every second that she talked to Tabitha and came over unlocking the cuffs being very careful to grab the actual chain on it so that she wouldn't get burned by the other metal.

As soon as the cuffs were off my skin started to heal so that all that was left was all the blood that had leaked down my arm to my elbows. "Thanks mother." I said sarcastically as I rubbed my wrists wincing from how tender they still were.

"Come now lets get you to a bath, I'll help you since in since its a little high up so that you don't accidently fall and hurt the baby." Tabitha said coming over and gently taking my arm leading me to the bathroom and turning on the water checking it to make sure that it was just the right temperature for me and the baby. "Alright now that we are alone why is she taking you to see my father?" She asked her voice instantly losing the high pitched squawking quality of it and I stared at her cautiously.

"I believe she's taking me to him because she believes that he is my father and that she now has proof of it since I wanted her to stop hurting my brother and sent her flying across the room without even touching her." I said as I got out of my clothes.

"Well that can't be a good thing she's always wanted to have fathers powers and the only way to him is through his child, one that him and her have." Tabitha said helping me into the bath.

"Why must it be a child that they both share?" I asked frowning.

"Because she's a witch she was never a demon but she passes very well as one since she's a demented bitch that wants to rule the world under her iron fist." Tabitha said sitting on the floor next to the bath leaning back against the wall. "But the fact that she is a witch and father is Satan if their child basically you bears both their powers Satan has to acknowledge it and give her access to be able to use his powers like my mother was granted when she had me and the only person she had sex with was dad."

"So she needs me there to get his powers?" I asked looking at her

"Yes because I believe she also plans to take yours. You see a child who is able to hold a witches powers and the all mighty Satan's powers are some of the strongest creatures in the world. But the only way to be able to get the powers from the child is to cut out their heart and replace it with your own." Tabitha said.

"Is that even possible?" I asked shocked

"Oh it is, wanna know how I know?" Tabitha asked looking at me with sad eyes, "Because I did it to my own daughter."

Hey guys! So I wanted to change the book cover but I do pretty bad with book covers if any of you would like to make me one I'd love you forever and put you at the end of the next chapter giving you so much credit thank you!

Sebastian's Sister's Daughter (Book 2 of Sebastian's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now