Chapter 13

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*sorry for such a shitty chapter*

Your P.O.V

"Come now my dear child."  My mother said as she put on handcuffs around by wrists and when I tried to pull free of them they would not bend, or break, but they burned deeply into my skin.

"You bitch!" I cried out as I kept yanking on the handcuffs letting them burn deeper into my skin.

"Now don't do that hunny or the metal will go into your blood and hurt your precious baby." Mother said ending it in the most disgusted voice I have ever heard.

"Don't you ever talk ill about my baby or I will make you pay." I said glaring at her.

"Sure sure whatever you say daughter dear. Now will you just come with me and we can be done with everything rather quickly." Mom said as she came behind me and forced me to stand up pushing me towards the door.

"What about Sebby?" I asked and turned my head to look at my beloved brother who was passed out on the ground from the pain my mom had inflicted on him.

"He can stay where he is I'm sure he will be just fine." She said not even taking a look to glance back him.

"Let me say bye at least." I whispered.

"I don't think that would be a very good idea." She said giving me a look of well earned distrust.

"It's not like I'm gonna run away." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh you mean like how you didn't run away three hundred years ago?" She asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.


"You are both to go straight to your room this second I don't wanna hear any arguing from either of you got it?" Mom said as she stormed off to her room slamming her door shut.

"Go on to your room (Y/N) I'll be fine I promise." Sebby said giving me a small smile but I could tell he was still in pain from being whipped.

"Sebby I don't wanna leave you alone. Not when mommy could come back and hurt you." I said tears starting to come to my eyes.

"Don't worry little sis one day neither of us will have to deal with her torture." Sebby said giving me a huge smile.

Fast forward two years

"Mom please let me go see Sebby it's not like we are gonna run away." I said rolling my seven year old eyes.

"You better not cause if you did I'd find you one day and you wouldn't like that. Not. One. Bit." My mom said sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes mother." I said obediently just the way she liked.

"Good now you have ten minutes to speak with you brother before we go to visit your Uncle Maxwell.. So make it count." She said walking away.

I never understood why she always made different names for our Uncle it's like she didn't know what his real name was. I knew that he was a very important man in hell because he was always busy but mom always took me to see him for one weekend every month. He didn't seem to like it tho and every now and then I could hear them having fights but I was never able to really hear what they where saying my demon hearing wasn't very good yet. As I approached my brothers door I heard a lot a shuffling and as I knocked our secret knock of four hits with our fist and two times hitting our palms on the door so we knew who it was I opened the door only to see my brother packing. "Sebby why are you packing your not going to Uncles with us are you?" I asked knowing all to well mother never let him go.

"No but me and you are going somewhere." He said and closed the door behind me after pulling me into the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

"Away far away from here like I promised you two years ago." He said hugging me tight. "I already got our bags packed and a way out come on."

Pulling back I looked up at the one person who's always been there for me before nodding and running away with my older brother to not be found for many years.

Flashback End

"There's no where for us to go this time now is there?" I asked glaring at the woman who is supposed to be my mother.

"No I guess not." She said as she stepped aside. "Five minutes."

Walking over I knelt next to my brother gently moving his hair from his face kissing his forehead. "I love you Sebby remember that and tell Ciel and Rose I love them to along with Saph and your little ones. I will miss you all." I said chocking on a sob hanging my head low. "I hope I get to see you all again dear brother but incase I don't." I took a shaky breath and pulled the wedding ring Ciel got me off my finger putting it in Sebby's palm. "Give this to Ciel and let him know that I have a secret gift in it just for him."

"Alright times up lets go!" My mom called tapping her foot impatiently

"Goodbye Sebastian." I said softly kissing his cheek and then stood up following my mother knowing that with every step I took brings me closer to my death.

Sebastian's Sister's Daughter (Book 2 of Sebastian's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now