XXV.Let's take a break.

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I didn't know what Tyler was feeling, hurt or angry?

I walk to my room and plop on my bed.

'The only truth I know is that I've always loved you and I'll always love you.' His words running in my head.

Was I the one to screw up this time? Why didn't I let him explain?

A soft knock on my door makes me groan.

"April, open up. I am here, your knight in shining armor." Chase chuckles from behind the door.

I quickly rush and open it.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Are you okay? Tyler told me about your accident!" I rushed as I helped him inside my room. There was a plaster on his right arm and his right leg was covered in bandage.

"Look at you all bothered about me, when you have got a lot in your plate to handle." He chuckled and I lightly engulfed him a hug from his good side.

"Can we talk?" He asks hugging me back.

"Depends how will you save this damsel in distress." I ask out of humor.

"Well, I am here to sort things out!" Skylar's voice rings out as she enters my room.

My eyes widen.

"What the hell!" I yell. She has the audacity to come here after everything, that bitch.

"Come on April, breath before you say anything. I bought her here. Let her talk first." Chase says from beside me and I do what I have been told.

I take a deep breath "say what you want to say before I lose my control!"

"April, first of all sorry for everything I did. I am really very sorry and I am regretting and the guilt of my doing is eating me alive." She said and searched my face; I nodded my head at her to continue.

"Tyler and I never slept together, it was all set upped by me. He didn't even know when I came into his room and clicked that photograph. I was so blinded by my Tyler fetish that I didn't even realize to what levels I am resorting. When Tyler confronted me and ended our friendship, I realized how bad of person I have become and betrayed my friend. Instead of being happy for him I ruined his relationship. And I am really sorry for that. As soon I realized my mistake, I went to Chase he told me the best way to apologize would be to be honest with you first. Trust me this time when I say Tyler is madly in love with you. I am not saying you forgive me because I know it is not possible but please give Tyler a chance, he is happy when he is with you!" She completed her speech as tear rolled down her eyes.

Wow, one thing I realized right this moment is that Skylar is not a bad person. If she was then she would have never been honest in first place. She did her mistakes but that doesn't mean she can't be forgiven.

And I was speechless myself was an understatement.

Chase got up and patted my shoulder before taking Skylar in his embarrass as she cried.

"Thank you, Chase!" She murmured in his chest.

"Hey, I had enough of your drama, girls." Chase humored lightening up the mood as Skylar hit his injured arm.

"Ouch! " He hissed and hit her back.

She hit him again and soon they were both cat-fighting.

I smiled to myself as I realized one more thing. Although these two people, cat-fighting here, do not realize it right now. But I bet, there is more than what meets the eye. There is something I can sense between these two.

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