XXIII. I Promise.

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It's been two days since I have talked to Skylar and Tyler hasn't tried to contact me yet.

Every day is painful and nights are restless. Summer vacations are over and Tyler is still not back.

Right now, I am at school with my friends, sitting on our usual table in cafeteria.

"What has happened to you?" Lexi nudges her elbow.

I plastered the biggest smile I could manage and replied.

"I am perfectly fine, guys!"

At the same very moment my cellphone takes the liberty to ping and I dig out of my jeans. It's a message from some anonymous number. I scroll through the message.

Unknown: 'Happy birthday in advance April.' -sky xx'

There's a photo attached to the message and I quickly opened it. My heart is ripped out of my chest as I look at it.

Tyler was sleeping shirtless with his one arm draped around Skylars waist. Skylar had a smirk on her face. The intimacy was not invisible.

A huge lumps forms in my throat and I know my friends have noticed my state.

So, this is what it was happening all the while!

My feet wobble and I can feel my heart sink in storm.

Thousands of emotions hit me, hurt and anger being the major ones.

Why Tyler?

"April, what happened?" Noah asks as silent tears roll down my face.

With trembling fingers, I slam my phone on the table and run out of the school building.

It fucking hurts.


Tyler's POV-

Why is April not picking up the phone! I know I didn't call her before but I was quite busy with helping Chase. He was a mess when I visited him. And then I went to Skylars house to meet her and her parents.

Maybe she is little angry.

Right now, I am driving back to home, and I am just an hour away from reaching. I was calling April since afternoon but she won't pick up.

I sighed when finally, my phone started ringing and I noticed it was April who was calling.

"Hello, sweetheart... Why ..." I was still speaking when someone cut me off!

"Shut up you asshole, why did you do this! You fucking bastard!" Noah growled into April's phone.

"What the Hell, what happened?" I asked all confused.

"You don't know? You fucking dickhead, ask your other girlfriend ... what was her name Skylar is it? You bastard!" He yelled into the phone and hung up.

Skylar? Girlfriend? What the hell is he talking about?

Fuck! What did Skylar do now?

I quickly dialed Skylar's number and she instantly picked up.

"Hello ty-ty! " She chirped and I clenched my jaw.

"What did you do Skylar?" I growled

"What happened?"

"Don't act so innocent Skylar! You did something and now April is not talking to me. Tell me this instant what you did?" I patiently waited for her to answer.

"Oh... I am sorry Tyler. Don't be mad at me. I love you Tyler you have to understand why I did it ... " I cut her off.

"I don't fucking love you sky don't you understand, now cut this Shit and just tell me what you did." I snapped.

"I She actually, when y-you were sleeping yesterday I sneaked into your room. I quickly got beside you and draped your arm around me and snapped a p-photograph and sent it to h-her. I thought m-maybe by doing this s-she will leave you and then we could finally be t-together. Tyler just listen to me o-once I am sorry soo s-sorry.... " she explained and I didn't let her finish.

"Skylar listen to me carefully, I loved you but only as a friend and I did care about you but not like I do for April. You ruined everything sky and I don't think I will be able to forgive you. So please help me and never talk to me ever again. " I said and immediately hung up.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I hate myself right now. I can't imagine how much April is hurting.

I never imagined Skylar to such a thing. She was my best friend and she did this.

How could she?

Fuck, what if April won't forgive me?

How did everything got so messed up!

I stepped on the speed pedal of the car. I need to explain it to her. I can't imagine what would happen if she didn't forgive me. I need to get her back and for that I first need to explain her friends.

I will get you back April. I promise.


Will April take him back ?
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