XV.Big head.

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Oh, how much I like Sundays.

After an amazing evening spent with Tyler who is now my boyfriend for crying out loud, this day seems to be more awesome.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to take shower and do other morning business.

Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower. Taking all the time, slowly washing myself with my vanilla scented body wash, I smiled to myself thinking about yesterday.

Oh god how much of a retarded I sound.

When I was done, I turned off the shower faucet and wrapped myself in my fluffy white towel. I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes when my eyes landed on Tyler, standing in his loose sweat pants hanging on his hips shirtless.

I wanted to shout at his unwanted presence right now but I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down his sculpted golden skin. His chest defined, his black hair slicked back from his face giving me the perfect view of his strong jaw, full lips and calm blue eyes, which are right now taking me in.

I wasn't the only one getting my fill, his eyes gazed at me, his eyes trailing down my body. Lips parting slightly.

"My eyes are up here pal," I reminded.

"Towel off, bed now." He growled.

"Why don't you come and do it yourself?" I dared.

He flattered. "I thought I should be on base one."

"You should!" I said.

I know that despite his flirting and heavy kissing, he would actually wait for me to get ready and of course turn eighteen first. I know this is very childish but I have my reasons.

He wasn't going to rip my towel off; he was just running his mouth.

But isn't it fun to tease your boyfriend?!

"Loser!" I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Nice to know you're as attracted to me as I am to you," he whispered.

He walked across the room towards me and I tightened my grip on my towel. He stepped inches away, till our chests almost touched, his fingers brushing my wet hair.

"Do you know that all I would need to do is a simple tug and you'd be at my disposal."

His hands moved from my hair to the knot on my towel.

I was a few seconds away from a full-blown panic attack, since I don't think enough air was reaching my lungs.

This was Tyler Callahan and he just running his mouth.

Master of players running his mouth. He probably enjoying freaking me out.

And I am not stepping back.

"Do it," I called his bluff "I dare you."

"Okay," he shrugged.

He tugged my towel and I watched in horror as it began to unravel, he pressed his chest against mine just as it was about to fall, his chest keeping the towel from dropping.

"You are such an asshole, you scared the Shit out of me, was this supposed to be funny? I hate you; I nearly had a heart attack!" I rushed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms snaked around my waist.

"It was worth it," he whispered. "So, you know that I'm the one in control."

"Pssh, I am the one in control." I said and pecked his lips.

"Careful, sweetheart one step is all it would take," he warned.

He kissed me once again and turned around. I quickly clutched my towel and wrapped it, stuffing the tail back in.

"Our moms went out to get groceries, so I will make you breakfast. Get dressed and meet me downstairs." He said.

"It would take a lot more than breakfast to make up for that stunt you just pulled." I replied.

"Breakfast and movie " he added.

"Breakfast and friendship with Jerry " I said and pushed him out of the room.

I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

"Jerry ... where are you?" I yelled as I stepped in the hallway.

My little boy was nowhere in sight, I walked to the kitchen and there they were, my not so fond of dogs boyfriend was standing on the stool while my innocent little puppy was leaning on the foot of the stool barking at Tyler.

I leaned against the doorframe to watch the scene getting unfold. Tyler bent down a little and tried to touch Jerry.

"So, hey I am your what should I call her oh yeas I am your Mummas boyfriend so basically, we are sort of family, so no biting family, okay?" He said and I bit my tongue to control my laughter.

Hesitantly he picked up Jerry and my puppy started licking him. Tyler sighed in relief.

"I think Jerry likes the new addition in the family." I laughed stepping into the kitchen.

"Doesn't everyone!" He smirked at me.

"Yeah yeah, big head!" I said jumping on the kitchen counter.

He pushed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me and my stomach growled.

Tyler laughed at me, instead of saying anything I just stuffed my mouth with pancakes trying to hide my embarrassment.

What do you need more in life when you have a hot boyfriend who can cook amazing food and on the top of it, he lives next door?

I bet you... nothing!


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