XVIII.Kiss my ass.

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I sneezed loudly.

Yeah, you guessed right, I am not well, I don't know how I suddenly felt sick,I guess Skylar is a nasty germ.

I could not sleep, spending the whole night twisting and turning thinking only about what catching up included.

And when the morning came, I had a massive headache and on the top of it I somehow catched cold.

Having a doctor Mumma has its own perks, she allowed me to take a day off and gave me some medicines before she left for work.

I texted Lexi that I won't be coming today and requested her to get my work for me. I haven't seen or talked to Tyler since yesterday.

He has absolutely no idea how he made me feel yesterday.

Right now I am cuddled with my comforter lying on the bed with my headphones on trying to sleep.

'I wish that I could wake up with amnesia...'

Amnesia by 5SOS was playing as I hummed along the lyrics completely lost in my own world, when suddenly out of the blue a strong arm snaked around my waist causing me to yelp and shot my eyes open.

"April?" Tyler's deep voice bought me back to reality and I sighed in relief.

"Tyler? What are doing here? You should be at school right, now right?" I turned around to face him.

Instead of answering my questions he looked up frowning at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows were knitted together.

"Yep, I am fine!" I twitched my lips up in a smile. He got up sitting cross legged pulling me to rest my head on his lap.

"Something you want to tell me?" He asked caressing my hair.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope, definitely nope!" I said popping the 'p'.

Tyler laughed out loud his laugh huskily sexy. He stopped laughing and stared at me amused.

"You really can't lie, can you?"

"I am a lost cause!" I murmured under my breath. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I hate liars." He pinched my nose, I shrieked getting up.

"You are going to tell me what's bothering you or I'll get it out myself."

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me right!" A shiver ran down my spine as Tyler gave me an evil smirk.

He was on whole playfully mode. I stood up and kept backing away until I was shielded the small couch in my room.

"Why are you backing away coward?" He laughed standing up.

"I am not a coward!" I retorted.

"Then stay still!" he ordered playfully. We were both circling the couch by now.

I shook my head, "no".

"Why not? Are you afraid of me?" He said grinning at me " I won't bite," he smirked "at least not hard, yet."

He winked, making my knees go weak.

"Stay back!" I aimed my finger at him.

"Then tell me what's bothering you and I may consider not to tickle you to death." He shrugged.

"I am fine, except for the cold I am suffering from. I am fine. " I lied, pretending a large smile.

"Wrong answer." He jumped at me and moved backward fast.

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