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Tyler's POV -



That is how the kiss was.

I hate... absolutely hate to admit but that was the best damn kiss of my life. She has left me craving for more. I know I am talking like a freaking romance novel writer but she surely is something.

April Hayden. Sweetheart. How annoyed she gets when I call her that.

Yesterday when I saw her in our field, I couldn't resist myself. It's bad that wanted to kiss her and that too in front of everyone again.

Hell, I am Tyler Callahan, I can get any girl I want ... I can't get whipped because of that stupid kiss.


I am currently at some club with my best buddies Keith and Dylan.

They such a pain in ass. They have not stopped annoying me about that kiss.


"Hey man you need to get laid!" Dylan laughs.

I just roll my eyes.

"Yeah! But I don't think this whipped boy could get his mind off that little mascot girl." Keith smirks.

I just push his shoulder in annoyance.

"I am not fcuking whipped." I snap and pull the nearest girl to me who was clinging to my arm earlier for attention and kiss her.

"That's my boy." They both say and pat my back before leaving to the dance floor.

As soon as they left, I pulled back from that girl. Kissing her was just to prove a point.

Aah! The kiss that I just shared with this girl was not even anywhere near to that one kiss.

"Urgh!" Here this girl smells of cheap perfume and beer while April, she smelled ...

Sweet. Vanilla ...

This blond-haired girl was clinging onto me like her life depended on it, trying her best to seduce me. I was about to push her when I caught sight of someone familiar... brown haired ... black eyes.


She was walking towards the dance floor with Noah the captain of crosswords high soccer team, his hands around her waist.

She looked so sexy in her black little dress, sticking to her body perfectly.

I almost fell over.

Damn her!

But seeing her with Noah kicked my ass. I don't know why but something bad was happening inside me. The thing that I didn't wanted to acknowledge and that was horrible. F-ing horrible.

The hell I am freaking Tyler Callahan, I can get any girl I want.

Not that one - my inner smirked.

Because I don't want her end of conversation.



April's POV -

They forced me. All I wanted was curl in my bed and read a Nicolas sparks novel. But now here I was wearing a black A-line style dress, paired with black ankle boots.

Noah and Lexi came to my home at evening, dragged me with them to some stupid club.

After whining and rambling not stop about how it was cruel of them to drag me with them, finally I have stopped.

"C'mon girl! Lets dance!" Noah pulled me towards the dance floor with him.

I sighed and decided to enjoy myself at last.

All of us Lexi, Brian, Jenna, Joe and Noah were dancing like we were the only people on the dance floor.

The guys were around us girls, according to them they are protecting us from drunken bastards around.

Too rough huh? Who cares?

"Do you want something to drink?" Noah screams in my ear because of the loud music.

"Yeah, sure!"

We reach the counter, Noah ordered beer for himself and coke for me. I grabbed the bottle and gulped it thirstily.

"Easy there girl. " Noah patted my shoulder. I giggled. I didn't know how much I was thirty before now.

I heard some annoying sounds coming from a couple sitting beside me.

Ew! I turned around and saw him.

Of course it has to be him.

Callahan yes, with a blond girl sitting on his lap and they were heavily making out.

"What the..." I groaned and posed roughly the bottle, too much roughly, the glass fell on the floor making Tyler and the girl pull apart.

Tyler looked at me questioningly.

"April, do you want to maybe join him. " Noah whispered in my ear. I elbowed him.

Now, Tyler was looking at me with a smirk on his face, maybe he heard Noah. Go figure...

I just want to shove that smirk of his face.

"Having fun Callahan?" I smiled insipidly.

He glanced at me then looked again at the girl and shrugged

"I don't know who's that babe " then he continued making out with her, ignoring me.

Wait ... what?

I kind of felt humiliated. He doesn't know me?

I am gonna teach this jerk not to mess with me.

I purposely pushed myself on that girl on her back, making her fall from his lap.

Hah! Take that!

"Uh! Sorry!" I said innocently.

"WHAT THE FCUK APRIL!" He snapped.

"Exactly!" I said pointing my index finger to him." Do I know you?"

I smirked, giving him you-just-said-my-name look.!!

I laughed at his face before pulling Noah and walking away.

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