A/N & Cast

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Hi! It's EmEmWolfie here (obviously) and thanks for clicking/tapping on this story! Just for a heads-up, I've typed out the main characters and a short description of them, with a few of the more prominent characters too. If you like, you can read them or you can just go on to the Prologue (if I have uploaded it already). Ciao!

Emily Sophie Fox

An - admittedly - short woman. Enjoys writing and likes children. Has a short temper but can be humourous. Hates sloppiness and laziness.

Matthew William Harper

Has a weird sense of humour. About 3/4 of a head taller than Emily (see above). Enjoys playing pranks on his colleagues and is not afraid of much (except some really creepy things). Despite his outward character, can be quite emotional. Likes children and respects them and their opinions.

Alexander Steinfield

Principal of Silver Creek High. Has odd ambitions and disagrees with Matthew (see above) a lot. Overall quite intelligent but can be lofty and detached at times.

Jenna Alastair

A good friend of both Emily and Matthew (see above). Intelligent and sensitive, a very gentle and calm person. Honest and sincere to what she says, always means what she says and says what she means.

Louis Pomeroy

The French professor of Silver Creek High. Frequently argues philosophy with Emily (see above). Tall man, who speaks fluent English with a strong French accent. Loves cats (A/N: Kids, if you are reading this, now you know it's definitely me now.) and keeps three of them at home, named Sine, Cosine and Tangent. Also enjoys Mathematics.

So that's about it so far! A HUGE amount of minor characters will pop up frequently so you all will get to know them in time! And to all my (IRL) friends out there... don't you DARE give spoilers in the comments. Thank you and have a nice day/night/morning/evening!

Mwacks and cookies,


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