Apologies & Understanding

Start from the beginning

She proceeded into the regular motions that Black Canary had taught her before proceeding to doing downward dog pose, before shifting into the upward-facing dog. She repeated her process trying to get a fluid motion by starting and then ending with her hands together at heart's center.

"What are you doing?"

Ephyra glanced over her shoulder from where she stood on one leg with her hands at heart's center, before letting the leg down and touching her toes.


"Why would you want to do that," Superboy asked again with a frown on his face.

"Black Canary does it and taught me how to do it. Apparently it's supposed to calm people."

Superboy was suddenly at her side and she tilted her head at an angle to make out his face, shadowed a bit by the sun.

"Do you mind...if I join you?"

She gave a shrug before standing up again, "Shoes off."

He makes a face and she crosses her arms over her chest as a clear message of stubbornness.

He grunts before removing his boats and socks, setting them beside her own shoes, before taking his place beside her once more.

She takes up the first pose with her hands at heart's center and both feet on the ground, before moving to lifting one leg off the ground while letting her foot rest against the side of her opposite knee.

Superboy followed, though appeared awkward at doing so and leaned a bit before staggering to the side. Ephyra caught his arm and steadied him, to which he let out a grunt of thanks.

"Don't feel bad. I screwed this up a trillion times, before I got better."

He just eyed her before she resumed back to the pose and then led him through touching his toes and then downward dog. When they went to upward dog he found slight trouble, but managed to return to downward dog.

They did this process three times before he spoke again while they had both feet on the ground.



"I'm sorry."

She glanced at him a bit surprised, but quickly felt herself rushing to reassure him. "It's not your fault. Wasn't mine either...entirely." He frowned at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to steal your thunder of being 'the bigger man', but it really isn't your fault. Kaldur and a few others put me in your position and I understand that me constantly talking about the different people in my life, when you're limited to a handful you have doubts about, could eventually make anyone snap. I was mostly excited, but I still shouldn't have left you behind."

He nodded just a little. "I know, but I shouldn't have overreacted. M'Gann told me that you were just experiencing life and everything was probably more exciting. Kaldur even spoke with me about that as well. Flamewalker wasn't really helpful in his advice, just told me to suck it up so you'd stick around more."

Ephyra felt a twinge at the thought of M'Gann, but brushed it off. She lived with Superboy at the cave, most likely more often than Ephyra ever would, but that didn't mean she was being replaced.

Kaldur wasn't a surprise, especially after he'd tried giving her advice about being patient.

Flamewalker was both a surprise and unsettling; maybe that's just how he treated all his teammates.

"I hope you didn't slam him into a wall," Ephyra replied.

He gave a small smile, "Came close to it, but Kaldur immediately smoothed the tension."

Young Justice: EphyraWhere stories live. Discover now