Chapter 1 - Lexie - Let's Start At The Beginning

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A/N: rewritten on 21st November, 2012

Chapter 1 - Let's Start At The Beginning


All my life, people have been telling me to be careful.

Alexandra, walk carefully, talk carefully, always stay vigilant, never let your guard down, always be prepared, keep looking over your shoulder, don't get caught, don't get killed, yada, yada, yada.

I stopped paying attention to them a long time ago; I've accepted the fact that I'll probably die because of some clumsy lunacy on my part.

But as I sit all alone in an empty house, with an episode of Criminal Minds playing on the plasma screen, I can't stop myself from thinking that maybe I should have heeded those warnings. Especially due to the fact that I can hear some sort of jiggling noise coming from the front door.

It's an odd sound, an unpleasant scraping and rattling of a sharp object against a metal surface, and for some bizarre reason, the image of a bloodcurdling monster scuttling on all four of its distorted limbs flits across my mind. I let out a nervous laugh that seems to resonate throughout the entire house. Immediately, I clamp my mouth shut. I hope whatever is outside didn't hear me.

Did I just say 'whatever'? I mean 'whoever.'

Whoever, as in a person and not whatever, as in a monster with teeth the size of icebergs and claws that can make Wolverine cry out for his Mommy.

The jiggling has been happening for the last five minutes now, but I'm still seated on the couch, completely rooted to the spot, contemplating my options.

Had I been in a normal household, I would have dialled 911 and waited for the police to arrive and catch whichever serial killer is trying to get past the lock on my front door. But nothing about my household is normal as is evident by the two unlicensed Glocks in the safe under my sister's bed. God forbid the police show up and in addition to catching the creep at the door, accidentally discover an Uzi stuffed in the medicine cabinet.

My breathing hitches as the jiggling becomes more violent.

Yikes. What now?

Reluctantly, I put down the pillow I've been clutching and blindly slip my feet into the pair of slippers lying at the foot of the couch. My skin connects with soft, ticklish fabric and I let out an inward groan. It had to be the fluffy ones, didn't it? I'm going to end up dying in pink pyjamas and fluffy rabbit slippers, aren't I?

My stiff legs protest as I rise from the sofa at a pace slower that the rotation of the earth. I stand for barely a second before my knees give way and I plop back down. My toes curl against the fluff.

Maybe I should re-think my plan of action.

Is facing the intruder head on really a good idea? I mean, wouldn't it be better to call the police and then just when they arrive, run out of the house and bang the door shut behind me? That way, not only can I escape my impending doom but I can also ensure that the guys in uniform stay far away from the illegal weapons scattered around the house. Yes, it's a brilliant idea. Now all I have to do is reach out for the phone in front of me...

I retract my hand before my fingers can curl around the cell. A miserable sigh escapes me. It's a terrible idea. Eva would be so disappointed.

"No, Lexie." I clench my fists and suck in deep, calming breaths as my heart thumps wildly out of control. "No fizzling out. Pull yourself together."

I jump to my feet before I can change my mind and march towards the door. On the way, I stub my toe against the table but I push through the pain. The closer I get to the door, the slower my strides become and the sound of my heartbeat is like a deafening roar is my ears.

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