Chapter 15

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 15

I groaned as I attempted to bury my face further away from the blinding light that I could feel burning against my eyelids. Grumbling in complaint I rolled onto my side only to suck in a sharp breath, hissing through my teeth as my head slammed into the bedside dresser. “God dammit,” I cursed, rubbing the side of my head. The sheets carelessly strewn at the base of the bed tangled in my feet as I awkwardly tried to shuffle into a sitting position and before I knew it I had hit the floor with a tremendous thud.

The giant that was Harry loomed above me and I peered up at him groggily. “What are you doing?” He asked, lifting me from the floor. I rubbed my head tenderly, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Oh I don’t know just rolling out of bed ya’ know?” Sarcasm dripped from my words by Harry’s face remained impassive. I was running my fingers through my hair, attempting to break free the mop of tangles and knots that formed a rat’s nest on my head when I looked across at Harry leaning casually against the doorframe.

“How did you get in here so quickly? Like, when I fell I mean.” I frowned at him, beginning to get frustrated with my hair. “I was here all along.”

My hands fell from my head as I stared at him suspiciously, “You mean you were watching me sleep?” He nodded. My eyes raked his shirtless, ink-stained chest and only a pair of grey sweats concealing his legs. “Why are you shirtless?” I dragged out the words, rising slowly to my feet by the bed. His eyes held mine as I shuffled awkwardly in my place. “You were wasted last night. You came onto me and–“

“Oh my god you sick bastard!” I spat, snatching a pillow from the bed and throwing it at him without even knowing what I was doing. “You took advantage of me,” My voice grew louder as I recklessly hurled whatever I could find at him, “while I was drunk?!” He took the blows of pillows and sheets, narrowly dodging the alarm clock. But when my hand clamped around the stem of a lamp he was already in front of me, grasping my wrists in his and tossing the lofty object onto the bed. “You were wasted last night,” he breathed, terrifyingly dark orbs piercing my own, “you came onto me and I took my shirt off because it was the only way you would agree to sleep rather than fuck me.” He grated the words between his teeth and if I could’ve seen them in the air they would be a roiling mass of oozing black oil, ready to scorch everything in its path.

My hands began to quiver in his grasp and his gaze flickered briefly to the trembling fingers that he held. He loosened his grip but only enough to tug on one of my arms and haul me into his chest. He wrapped a single arm around my back, pulling my hair out of the way and nuzzling his head in the hollow of my neck. “I would never hurt you,” he whispered, placing the hand he still held on his bare chest, “never.”

My fingers traced the peaking tail of swallow, curls tickling my skin as he placed feathery kisses against my flesh. “You were right,” I murmured, tugging gently on the smaller ringlets along his neck, “about Tori.” His muscles tightened around me and I pressed my lips to the arching lines of his collarbone. Slowly, he released me from his embrace and brought me down onto the bed beneath him. “He spiked your drink,” He shook his head; “…I gave him a black eye.” My fingers smoothed out the creases of a frown on his forehead as soft giggles escaped my lips. “Just a black eye? Boy, he got off easy.” I could feel the smile tug at his lips as he buried his face against my neck.

“I would’ve finished him off you hadn’t been all over me,” He teased. I laughed heartily, dragging my fingers against his scalp. “I wouldn’t have been all over you if you didn’t reek of sexual appeal!” The words were out before I could stop them and I clamped my hand over my mouth as he slowly raised his head to peer down at me. A faint smirk slid onto his face as he studied me. “What did you just say?” He chuckled lightly. “Nothing!” I squeaked, trying hopelessly to avoid his eyes.

“You find me sexually appealing.” He reiterated with a tone of accomplishment in his voice. “I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud!” I caved, knowing I wouldn’t win this one. He threw his head back in laughter, my own body shaking with the tremors of his. He grinned at me when his laughter had ceased. I scowled at him, taking the opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck and pin him to the mattress. I straddled his hips, both hands grasping his face firmly in my hands.

“Truth is,” I whispered, capturing his full lips in mine. “I simply can’t resist you.” Our mouths danced a devilish dance, a slow, sinful battle of heated lips and when we both pulled apart for air his eyes found mine.

“I am the devil, “he whispered, “and I’ve fallen for an angel.”

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