Chapter 5

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 5

"Stupid unappreciative prick," I muttered, making my way through my small apartment, closing all the blinds as I went. "I think I'm Harry Styles." I mimicked his voice in a completely off-tune squawk, "Harry Styles my ass."

I plonked myself back down onto the couch, assuming my previous position in front of the canvas. After that evening in the restaurant, the owner of the place had given me his daughter's number - a nice girl she was - and we'd kept it contact so that he could get to me the artworks he'd wanted me to make. The pictures he sent over were old and rustic but beautiful all the same. Breathtaking snaps of rugged landscape, littered with blossoming trees and delicate buds springing from the ground. I one you could see, just atop a rolling hill, the small puffs of smoke slithering from the top of a chimney planted on the peaking top of a terracotta tiled roof.

I wanted to get them done for him as soon as I could, but I had to admit I was rather enjoying myself with this new piece. It was something out of my comfort zone. I wasn't used to sketching something plainly because it was before me, but more because of inspiration - bits and bobs of different things, coming together to create another one of my emotional oeuvres.

My phone buzzed from beside me, the unique ringtone jingling and jangling. I reached over the side of the couch, scooping it up from the table and quickly pressing it to my ear without checking the caller I.D. I soon realised my mistake as the all too familiar voice purred down the receiver. "Hello Princess," He cooed, as if he were talking to a child, "Miss me already?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, imagining that irritating grin plastered to his face. "Harry please, don't pride yourself too much."

"What's a man without pride?" He asked, almost in protest.

"An idiot maybe? Oh wait, you're that either way." The soft sound of his throaty chuckle echoed in my ear and I rolled my eyes at his obvious amusement of this. "I always knew you were a smart one." He laughed.

"Ha ha hilarious, I'm just rolling on the ground laughing."

"I can think of more interesting things you could be doing on the floor, Princess." His voice attained a darker timbre that made my mouth suddenly drain of all moisture. "Everything has to be sexual." I cursed under my breath as he laughed in triumph it seemed. "You know, you're hot when you're angry." I opened my mouth to reply with a smart comment but he beat me to it, "Literally and physically."

The rage in me broiled from under my skin, itching and crawling in my limbs. "Fuck you, Styles."

"I've only been begging you to."

"You conceited twat." I spat, my leg bouncing up and down in an attempt to control my ever-flowing anger.

"Now, now Princess, there's no need to be rude."

"There's no need to be a dickhead either."

"Why, does it turn you on too much?" He grinned.

My lips curled up into a sneer as I scoffed, "You may not want to grow too much of big head Harry, you never know when it'll explode."

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