Chapter 4

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 4

“Stop it.”


“Stop it.”

    “Don’t wanna’.”

“Stop it!”

    “Make me.”


    “OUCH! What did you do that for?!”

“Well, I told you stop it.”

I peered down at the curly-haired boy that rested on his backside on the floor, rubbing his head and muttering a string of fine curses under his breath. “You didn’t have to push me off.” He huffed, heaving himself up and back onto the large couch next to me. “I did warn you.” I reasoned, flicking my hair back effortlessly. He scoffed, curling up into the corner of the couch. “If you want to sleep the bed’s probably more comfortable.” I murmured, absorbed in my own world.

“Don’t wanna’ sleep.” He mumbled, his words barely audible as he laid face-down on the arm rest. “Suit yourself.”

Several minutes of silence passed before the couch shook and I was tackled onto my side, rolling off the edge with the larger form clinging to me. We landed on the floor with a thud, my body falling conveniently on top of Harry’s. “I’m getting bored of this.” He physically pouted. “Yeah and I’m getting bored of you.” I rolled off of him, not making it far before he rolled me back, pinning me beneath him as he supported his body on his elbows and loomed above me.

“Let’s go somewhere fun.” He nudged my hair off my neck, pressing a light kiss to the base.

      “Mmm, like where?” I toyed with the dog tags around his neck, loving the feel of the metal between my fingers. “Well, your bedroom sounds pretty inviting.” He hummed, sucking tenderly on the sin of my neck.  “Harry,” I snuck my fingers under his chin and lifted his face up to meet mine, “You were the one who got me into this mess, now don’t go asking me to get you out of it.”

“But I’m bored!” He cried. “Should’ve thought of that earlier now, shouldn’t you?” He huffed, standing up and offering me a hand. “Can we at least have a lunch break or something? You’ve been at this for hours!” I sighed in defeat, picking my pencil up off the floor and placing it beside the large canvas that rested on my coffee table.

“Alright, what do you wanna eat?”


“No, Harry put th-“ I was cut off as a spray of white creamy foam spurted from the nozzle directly into my face. I wiped the clumps of cream from my eyes, blinking my frosty lashes a few times before glaring at the boy before me. His mouth was opened in an ‘o’ shape, his eyes wide and watching me. “You have five seconds to run.” I said calmly. The can of whipped cream clattered to the ground before the sound of his footsteps bounding through the small apartment bounced off the walls.

“I’m going to kill you, Styles!” I screamed as I raced through the house after him. I didn’t get far when he appeared before me from the door of the bathroom, obviously not finding anywhere to hide, and knocked right into me. For the second time that day we were both sent flying to the ground, a spray of cream trailing in the air behind us.

“Ugh, I have a headache.” I groaned, hitching myself up on my elbow. Harry sniggered from beside me, still lying flat on his back. “What’s so funny, uh?”

“Oh nothing, it’s just that I find you extremely sexy with cream all over your lips.” He smirked, running his tongue over his own plump lips. “Really, now?” I said sarcastically. “Mhmm,” he looped an arm around my waist, tugging me towards him. “Let me help you lean this up.” He smirked lazily. His tongue flicked out from between his lips to lick a hot stripe across my own, taking a blob of cream with him. My breath hitched in my throat as he did the same to my cheeks, running his mouth along my face. “Sweeter than honey,” He purred, his lips devouring the skin along my jaw.

I moved my face away, inching further from his lips – but he only nuzzled closer. “Harry.” I twisted my neck to the side, but he only sunk down to my neck, trailing kisses along the length of it. “Stop it.” I grabbed his face and pushed him away, hoping I didn’t hurt him in the process. “Harry, stop it.”

He blew out a frustrated breath and quickly rose from the ground, dragging his fingers roughly through his curls. “You’re always dodging this, aren’t you?” He seethed, his voice dark and laced in anger. I raised myself off the ground, moving to stand in front of him. “What do you-“

“What are you so afraid of?” He quipped, pushing me up against the wall, “Can’t handle a bit of sexuality?”

My mouth turned up into a sneer, the lids of my eyes falling lower over my blue irises as I fixed him with a pointed glare. “You fucking egotistic twat.” I spat, pushing him off me and prodding him in the chest. “You think you can do anything you want, have anyone you like, click your fingers and BAM it’s all set out for you! Newsflash, you’re not the fricken queen and since you won’t ever be the queen you need to get off your high horse and get over yourself. Who the fuck do you think you are you arrogant je-“

He cut me off once more as he roughly grabbed my face between his hands, fusing his lips to mine. Every fibre of anger within him pulsed through the kiss, the boiling heat searing my lips as he took and took and gave me no chance to breathe. He brutally ground his hips to mine, is fingers skimming beneath my shirt to rake along my sides.

When he did pull away he jerked my head to the side, feasting on the tender skin of my neck. He took the skin into his mouth, sucking and biting until he brought drops of crimson blood to the surface. Then he soothed the area with the pad of his tongue, licking along the flourishing trails of love bites he’d left.

“I think I’m Harry Styles.”

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