Chapter 6

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 6

Searing currents washed over me, the uniform streams slapping across the skin of my bare back. Deep knots loosened and shifted in the muscles that coursed beneath my flesh as the consistent pressure of the water pounded on my aching body. A full day of university, morning to afternoon lectures, and then the late shift at the shop downstairs; I ached from head to toe.

I lathered the pink body wash over my limbs, my nostrils tingling as the fruity scent masked the thick fog that wafted from the water source. The water washed away the suds and I proceeded to soaping up my hair, letting the warm water soon lick it away. My arms dropped down to my sides in exhaustion as I simply stood beneath the spray, not bothered to cleanse myself further.

My eyelids fluttered close, the soft hum of a steady water flow fogging up my mind quite like the steam would cloud a speckled mirror, any coherent thought vanishing behind the thick mist. All I wanted to do was stand under this hot water all day - and sleep if I could.

I was just about ready to live out my mind's foolish fantasies when the heavy sound of a door closing shot me from my reverie. My ears pricked, waiting to hear some other sound - praying that it were all a fraction of my sleep-deprived mind, but when the first noise was accompanied with prior thudding footsteps I scrambled to turn off the water, carelessly wrapping my body in a towel and padding out barefoot into the apartment.

I shuffled into the living room, only the soft drip of water from my hair sounding behind me.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

My head poke into the kitchen, but it was empty just as the lounge had been.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

I made a quick dash to the front door, testing the locks and finding them bolted securely.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

"Hello there, Princess."

My heart leapt into my throat as I spun around on my heel, nearly losing my balance on the puddle of moisture that had gathered at my heels. I pressed my back to the door, my hand clamped over the bunched material that masked the pounding of my heart beneath. "Don't you look...ravishing." He said breathlessly, closing in on me in only a pair of dark jeans. "How'd you get in?" I croaked, securing the towel tighter around my chest.

"Never keep a spare hair clip in your pot plants." He smirked, running his tongue deliberately over his plump lips. He'd picked my lock, the bloody bastard had picked my lock and broke into my house and now he's trudging around shirtless like he owns the place. What if he did it again? What if...what if in a moment of drunken rage he comes in and-

"I'd never do that." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to peer up into wickedly dark irises. The intensity of his glare had me withholding a shiver, the knots in my back becoming evidently tighter as I attempted to shuffle away. "W-what?"

"You talk out loud when you're thinking." He reasoned, his gaze never leaving mine.

"What? I do not."

"What if in a moment of drunken rage he comes in and..." A single dark eyebrow was raised across his forehead, the meaningful glare he fixed me with clearly implying he wasn't satisfied with my judgements towards what kind of a person I thought he was. "I wouldn't hurt you like that."

"I didn't think..."

"Yes, you did." He shrugged, slinking away into the living room. I let out a shaky breath, shifting from one leg to the other. "I've hurt a lot of people in my life," He began, "but I wouldn't hurt a woman...I wouldn't hurt you." I found myself speechless, my tongue merely slipping out to moisten my lips. I took his silence as an end to the conversation, making my way slowly past him, wary that the towel was still flimsily covering my body.

I made it to the door of my room before I felt his hot breath whisper across my neck. "Nice legs." He hummed, his nose gently coursing along the flesh beside my ear. "You look so hot all soaking wet." I felt the deep chuckle resonate from his chest through my back, the muscles in his torso vibrating with the action.

He caught me by the waist, crushing me to him so that the only thing that kept us from being partially bare to each other was the fluffy towel. "I won't hurt you." He whispered deeply, the statement in clear contrast to his dark demeanour. I could feel his hands snaking their way along the exposed skin of my shoulder blades, long fingers bringing goose bumps to the surface. My mind flashed me a quick image of the dark-haired girl that had paid me a visit only a few days ago, her words falling fresh to my mind as if they had only just been uttered.

"Darling," The sweet voice whispered, "he's a man. The only things he knows of are his ego and his sexuality. You have to know how to play him; you can't satisfy him with your anger and irritation."

I felt a sudden flourish of confidence, a kindling fire set alight in the pit of my stomach. Taking the risk, I released the hand I had on the towel, hoping that his chest would keep it falling from mine. I slinked my arms behind his neck, tugging on short curls at the nape of his neck. Satisfied with the soft grunt that escaped his parted lips, I snaked my hands down the rigid expanse of his back, smirking internally as his entire form seemed to tense at my actions. "I know you won't hurt me," I murmured, nipping softly at his earlobe, "But, Harry?"


I gently began to walk us backwards until I was sure we were far enough away from the door so I could make my next move. "I need to change so you need to leave now." I quickly slipped away from his heated body, one hand clasping the towel before it fell and the other racing to shut and lock my bedroom door behind me. I snickered as his fist pounded on the door, demanding I let him in.

"Good boy, you just go on and wait outside for me."

After a minute, his cries died down and I leaned my head back, a laugh bubbling up from my stomach. I can't believe I just did that. Hell, I'd be trying this more often. I grinned to myself, quickly drying off what was left of the moisture on my body, slipping on my undergarments and throwing over a strappy lace hi/lo dress. Satisfied with the outcome, I strolled out of my room, finding Harry slumped on the sofa.

His eyes refused to meet my gaze, even when I sat down beside him. Growing bored of the silence; popped into the bathroom, and returning with a bottle of moisturiser, settled myself back next to Harry. I could feel his gaze on my arms as I slowly rubbed the lotion into my skin. I finished off, ready to move on to my legs when he snatched the bottle from my hand and settled himself by my feet on the floor.

Without a word he gradually began to caress my legs, calloused palms working a silky liquid into my flesh. He rubbed along the insides of my thighs, never once lifting the coral material of my dress higher than where I had settled it. This respectful side of him put me on edge, the dominating thought of him always trying to make a move shadowing over this quieter quality.

"Come down here." He said softly, his hand outstretched to clasp mine. I dropped to the floor beside him, watching carefully as he settled me between his legs and gently tugged down the straps of my dress. He coated his palms in the clear fluid, gently kneading the knots out of my back as he went. I couldn't reserve the moan that escaped my lips at the surreal feel of his hands on my skin, igniting simmering coals beneath the tender flesh.

Before I could move the slightest, his lips were pressed to the base of my neck, slowly spraying a line of kisses directly upwards. When he reached my hairline he kissed along the tips, working his way across to my jaw. His lips pressed a soft kiss to the edge of my mouth before he pulled away, smirking down at me as he turned to return the moisturiser.

Well Styles, two can play at that game.

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