Chapter 12

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 12

A few stray beams crept into the void darkness, making my eyes slowly crack open, squinting in irritation. I groaned, slowly rolling onto my opposite side and burying my head into the warmest spot I could manage. With my eyes still closed my hands wandered along the bed, rolling gently over a broad chest, hardened abdominals, my fingers could feel the path but my sleep-crazed mind was still yet to register. My fingers found their way into a precise, deep-set V line, grazing it softly before continuing their mindless journey downwards. A soft growl erupted from beside me just as I felt the band of thick elastic brush against my hand.

Before I could make any further move, the whole bed rumbled and shifted beneath me, the covers sent flying into the air. I squeaked in fear, feeling myself tumble around before a heavy form made its presence at my hips. I creaked my eyes open, coming no more than a breath away from a pair of hypnotizing malachite orbs. “If I knew you were that physical in the morning I would have stayed in bed with you more often.”

His breath fluttered gently across my face, making cold chills run down the length of my back. “I-I was still asleep,” I mumbled. “Sure you were,” he smirked down at me, his legs tightening around my hips. He leaned down on his elbows, gently placing his arms at my sides and resting his lower body against me. I couldn’t help but squirm beneath him, feeling every defined muscle and limb pressed against me. He chuckled softly to himself as I continued to wriggle slightly, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “Good morning,” he said softly. I grunted, flopping my arms over my eyes. “Good night,” I grumbled.

He nudged my arms with his nose, slowly trying to push them off. “Harry, get off me.” I swatted his face away, wanting nothing more than to roll up into a ball and go back to sleep. He laughed to himself, snuggling further into me. “I’m usually being asked to do the opposite.” I rolled my eyes beneath my closed lids, shifting slightly but his ever-present weight it seemed, remained. I stiffened beneath him as an idea slowly crept its way into my head.

Slowly, I allowed my body to relax, gently shifting my hands so that they trailed through the curly locks of his hair. I let one of my hands softly caress his back, fingers grazing the defined shoulder blades. Sinking my nails into the flesh of his back, I fisted his hair in my hand, tugging gently. A deep moan fell from his lips, vibrating against my chest. Trying to contain my smirk, my hands wandered further downwards. I skipped my fingers lightly over his backside, feeling his smile against my neck, but when I sunk my fingers into the bare flesh of his thigh he yelped, shooting off me, allowing me to make my escape.

I giggled hysterically, rolling to the side and curling into myself as far away from him as I could manage. “Oh no you don’t,” He grumbled, hooking one of his extremely long legs over my hip, under my opposite leg and dragging me towards him. I could feel the outline of everything between his legs pressed against me, the ridiculous thought making me flush a deep crimson. By the time he’d pinned me beneath him again, hands securely held in his above my head, his playful frown was replaced with a look of curiosity, a soft smile making its languid journey across his face.

“What are you blushing ‘bout?”

    “Nothing,” I mumbled, turning my face into my hair. He let one of my hands fall loose, grasping my chin between his fingers. A knowing smile graced his lips, as he stared at me curiously. I shook my head, shying away from him further. He quirked an eyebrow, supporting himself on his elbows on top of me. “Tell me what’s got you all red or…”

“Or what?” I asked, peering up at me him through my lashes.

    “Or I’ll kiss you,” His eyes held no humor, only a simmering soup of lust, clouded over by a frothy layer of tenderness. The honest look his emerald orbs donned made butterflies slowly began to erupt like fireworks inside my stomach, dangerous shards of calico wings tumbling around my insides like clothes in a tumble-dryer.

“Kiss me,” I breathed, unable to lift my gaze from his. Keeping our eyes locked, I gently trailed my hand along his arm, feeling the defined muscles of his forearms bulge against my fingers. I traced the multiple tattoos with my fingers, leading onto his neck and into his hair. Tenderly scooping the stray locks from his eyes, I raised my body from the mattress, pressing it to his. Angling my head I let my lips brush gently against his, our breaths interlocking to create a beautiful concoction of carbon dioxide. He caught my lips in his as they strayed further away, holding them captive in an overwhelmingly gentle embrace.

Our mouths moved in a sensual dance; the hypnotizing brush of flesh, the occasional sliver of bud-encased tongue, against each other. Both of my hands worked their way into his hair as he raised me up against him and turned us over. I straddled his hips, physically incapable of breaking our heated lip-lock. His large hand cupped the side of my face, long, slender fingers tracing the high bones of my cheeks.

His tongue sketched the shape of my lips, quickly slipping through and molding to mine, exploring every unknown inch of my mouth. Smirking against my lips, I could feel his hands trail down along the length of my back, squeezing down on my butt. Rolling my hips against his, he moaned into my mouth allowing me the brief sanction of dominance. Barely lifting my lips from his I arched my hips, grasping his face between my hands, molding his tongue against mine as the two began spearing for dominance. “You’re intoxicating,” he breathed against my lips, continuously fusing his lips to mine.

Gently tugging on his brown locks, I scooped them out of his eyes, tangling my fingers in the brown ringlets. Slowly shifting downwards I leant my body up against his; entwining my legs in his and leaning my head against his chest so that the soft, unremitting beats of his heart reverberated against my ear. I let out a loud sigh, tracing the panes of his chest. “What’s wrong?” Harry peered down at me, interweaving his slender fingers in the long strands of my hair.

“This feels so wrong,” I exhaled loudly, feeling him tense beneath me. He shifted and rose, pulling me up to a sitting position. Frowning, I lifted myself off of him, crossing my legs beneath me and moving aside. I watched him as the lines creased his forehead, the tension growing in his firmly-clenched jaw. “Wrong?” He finally managed, balling his fists by his sides. “Yes,” I nodded slowly, unsure of myself. He turned his viridian gaze on me, centering me like a deer stuck in the headlights of an oncoming car. Without any hesitation, he gripped my face firmly between his hands, melding his lips to mine. His tongue plunged into my mouth, not waiting for permission. He clambered on top of me, forcing me beneath him into the mattress as his hands gripped my hips firmly and thrust me against him.

When he pulled back, the both of us were panting for air, much like a dog would on a hot day. “That’s about as right as it feels for me.” My eyes widened in recognition, and I let a soft laugh escape my lips. Despite his evident frustration simmering right beneath the surface of his skin, I reached up behind his neck, tugging him towards me and gently pressed my lips to his. “I meant waking up in this bed,” I managed between brief kisses, “I’m used to my bed.” After a few moments he began warming up to me, the rigidness in his limbs visibly wearing away.

“I thought-“

    “Don’t.” I cut him off, “It’s not good for your brain.”

Smiling mischievously, he placed a quick kiss to my lips. “Let’s not start talking about brains.” He murmured, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.   

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