Chapter 11

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Even Angels Fall ~ Chapter 11

I pulled my glasses off my eyes, folding one side in and hooking them in the front of my shirt. I let out a soft whistle as I shuffled around the car, my eyes admiring the lavish exterior. Four sandstone pillars supported a tiled roof of sheer black marble. The presidential entrance arched gracefully upwards, splitting in a large set of black double doors. The black marbling was reincarnated on a front terrace, set panels distinguishing the lush grass from the dark stones. A glittering fountain whispered softly in the center, coaxing the preying eye to sit and listen to its forgotten tales.

“So, when can I meet the Queen?” I joked, leaning easily against the side of the car. Harry nudged me as he came by, carrying one of my larger boxes in his arms. “You’ve met the King, is that not enough?” I snorted, trudging after him as he made his way into the house – if it could be called that. “A King is nothing without his Queen.” I retorted, stepping in after him and slowly closing the door behind me. If it were possible my eyes would’ve dropped from their sockets, rolling about nauseatingly on the pristine marble flooring.

I let my eyes slowly trail the expanse, the interior only reflecting the beauty of the exterior with far greater magnificence. A curving stairway, descended like a bride’s train, bleeding into the center of a vast hall. Blushing red couches circled a dark, elliptical table, a vase of magnolias placed in the middle. On the far wall half-moon tables braced the walls, ornate glassware balanced on their plated glass. The vestibule branched off on my right, leading into a hall of doors, presumably bedrooms and on my left another corridor led to what I was guessing must’ve been the kitchen.

“She refuses,” Harry mumbled, placing the box to the side of the door. I blinked rapidly, waking out of my admiring trance. “What?”

“I’ve found my Queen,” He said, louder this time, “but she refuses to be mine.” His face was only a breath away from mine, the proximity setting my nerves on edge. “Palaces like this and she still refuses?” I intended to carry my voice but it came out as a mere whisper. He irked an eyebrow, his eyes searching mine for some hidden secret.

“The…palace is the least I could give her.” He reasoned, taking a loose strand of my hair and curling it around his finger. I could feel my heart leaping into my throat, my tongue flopping around in my mouth to ease some moisture back against my raw throat. I gulped loudly, becoming increasingly aware that if my heart were to beat any faster I was sure he would be able to hear its irregular thumps. “Then why does she still refuse?”

 He shook his head, tucking my hair behind my ear, letting his fingers linger against my neck. “To her I’m the devil in disguise. She wants nothing to do with me.” His eyes fell from hers as he fiddled with her shirt where the sunglasses had caused it to dip. “You’d be surprised.” I whispered, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and backing away to meet an unfamiliar pair of eyes on the staircase.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” A petite brunette said, wringing her hands as if she were flustered. “No, that’s okay.” I shuffled awkwardly to the base of the stairs meeting her as she came down to greet us. “I’m Eleanor,” She beamed, taking my hand warmly in hers. “Rosalinda,” I greeted, resisting the urge to scrunch my nose at the name. “I don’t mean to be blunt but you’re beautiful.” She confessed, her eyes dissecting me inside-out. “Th-thank you,” I blushed a deep red, ducking my head down. Harry chuckled softly from beside me, kissing Eleanor on the cheek.

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