A Confession; Possibly Two... (ch 20)

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Rachel's POV

I took Jen up to the counter to get some ice cream before going over to a booth near the door. Jen slid in before me, licking her chocolate ice cream as she went. I smiled and slid in next to her, then began working at my superman ice cream, listening to Jen go on about what her new first grade class was like. Every once in a while, I'd nod my head and glance over at Jason and Danny to make sure everything was okay.

The first few times that I looked up, everything was okay. But, this last time, I definitely knew something was wrong. Jason and Danny were both as white as snow, looking as if they'd seen a ghost.

"C'mon Jen," I said as I got out of the booth, "we're gonna go check on Danny and Jay, 'kay?"

Jen nodded and opened her arms so I could pick her up. I did just that, then headed over to where Jason and Danny sat in silence.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, looking down at them, concern showing in my eyes. Neither of them seemed to notice.

"Jay? What's the matter?" Jen asked in her cute little kid voice. That seemed to get his attention.

"Oh, yeah... Everything's fine. Jen, we need to get going. Why don't you go with Danny to the sink in the back to clean up so we can head home," Jason said, nodding towards Danny, who was now wearing a fake smile.

"Yeah, let's go wash up. I'm all sticky, too."

I watched as they left until Jason put a shoulder, which made me look at him. We stared at each other for a few seconds, then Jason broke the silence when he said, "Okay, I need to tell you what was wrong..."

I nodded a little, afraid of what it was and a little curious. "Alright, I'm listening."

"It's about that guy, James... W-well, he's my brother..."

My face paled and I put a hand over my mouth, feeling sick to my stomach. That must be who his older brother was...

"His name isn't James, though. It really is Jacob," Jason continued. "Mom had, or has, a thing with her children's names starting with the letter J. And, he had a girlfriend named Anya, like the chick that was with him... She fits the description and everything. I think I've even seen her at school..."

"Yeah, Danny has a class or two with her... She's the one that gave him a ride to my house."

The look on Jason's face was awful. He looked as if he was being torn apart from the inside out.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," Jason said, burying his face with his hands.

I raised a brow and stared at him, then shook my head. "No, you shouldn't be sorry. It wasn't your fault that all of that ended up happening. Besides, we didn't know any of this until after it happened."

Jason sighed and looked at me through the cracks between his fingers. "I-I guess you're right... I just feel awful, though. It was my brother, after all..."


I was cut off by Jen and Danny walking over, both smiling. Danny looked complete and utterly calm, which was kind of creepy, now that I think about it. He's so good at covering up for everyone at school when he's been hurt so bad, on the inside and out.

"I guess we should go now..." Danny said, breaking the silence between us. Jason and I nodded as we followed him out of the ice cream place.

~~~~~ (Danny's POV)

"Mom, Dad! I'm back!" I yelled, getting now response. Good, they're not home.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed, burying my face in my hands. I sighed and let myself fall onto my side, but kept my hands burying my face.

I stayed like this, on my side, hands covering my face, letting myself think. I thought about what had been happening these past few days, when I first met Jason and Cameron, my friendship with Rachel just a few weeks ago before I had more than her as a real friend.

Click. Click.

My eyes shot open at the sound of high heels clicking on tiled floor. I sat up quickly and looked around my room, my eyes stopping at the clock that read 12:39 A.M., then continuing on until they reached the door.

Should I go see who it is? I questioned in my mind, then murmured to myself, "Probably..."

I stood and walked over to my door, opened it a little and peeked out into the hall, noticing that some of the lights were on. My curiosity got the better of me as I walked out of my room, then tip-toed out of my room.

When I got to the kitchen, I noticed a woman in there, her back turned to me. She was bent over a drawer, probably looking for something.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, then watched as she spun on her heel to face me. My mouth dropped at who it was.

"Why are you in my house, Danielle?" I asked after a long silence.

"U-um... Well, you see..." Danielle said, rubbing the back of her head, a cheesy grin on her face.

"Spill it."

Danielle's head hung in shame as she closed the drawer that she'd been looking through. "I'm sorry Danny... I overheard my mom and Rachel's mom talking about something that happened to you, so I came over and started looking around for something that could have made something wrong. I didn't find anything though, and I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd just say nothing was wrong. That's what everyone says you do..."

I sighed and walked closer to her, then gave her a hug. "It's fine, nothing's wrong, I promise. I'm fine," I said as I patted her back. She had a point, and so did everyone else; I knew that. I always told everyone that I was fine because I didn't want to worry them. "Next time, don't wear heels... The clicking woke me up."

We both smiled, then went to my room. I sat on my bed while Danielle stood by the door. "Oh, I have your stuff at my house still. You never came and got it, so I wasn't sure if you just forgot about it."

I shook my head a little. "Nah, I didn't forget about it, I just haven't really had time to go over there."

"Oh, okay then. You wanna come over now and get it? You can stay over and get the work you missed, too and, if you want, we can ask Rachel to come over."

"Okay, sure, that'll be easier for me. That way, I won't have to be even more behind." I smiled as I nodded slightly. "But, I have a question, why were you here so late? Or early..."

"Oh, well, I told my mom that I was going out to get some milk, then came to check on you instead. We could stop to get milk so she doesn't get mad about me not getting the milk."

"Alright, let's hurry and get some milk, then we'll go to your house."

I stood and grabbed a slightly thicker jacket from my floor, then walked out of the to the front door where Danielle was waiting. We headed out, then stopped so I could lock the door. As soon as I did so, we were on our way, heading to the store then to Danielle's house.


So, I decided to stop it there because I have no idea what else to write... Damn writer's block :( But, at least I uploaded before Christmas and the new year :) Gotta give me credit for that much!

I'm gonna try and get another chapter uploaded tomorrow or on Christmas day because after that, I'm gonna have a hard time uploading anything since I'm gonna be with my dad for at least a few days. I might not get Internet there and besides, I'll be spending time with my sister, dad, stepmom and stepbrother, so why would I wanna be a bum and spend most of my time on the computer? :) But, anyways, I'ma upload this, then get to work on another chapter so I can upload it tomorrow or Sunday, even if it's a small pathetic chapter.

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