Party Disaster (ch 8)

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Wow, after Rachel told me about the party, the week went on really fast! The next thing I knew, it was already Friday after school. When we had gone to get an outfit for the party, I settled with a black button up and sort of see through shirt. Rachel, on the other hand, kept grabbing outfits, trying them on, deciding that they didn't look good and repeated the process for a good two hours before finally finding something that she liked.

But that's why she's my best friend. 'Cause we're both weird.

I ended up having to walk home today because Rachel had to go meet with her cousin before the party to help get things ready.

I was fine with walking. It didn't really bother me much since I had to walk pretty much everywhere because my parents didn't really have the money to buy a car, or pay for one. The only reason we had a roof over our head still was because Rachel's family helped pay it off. They're all so nice to me, like I'm their own son!

So, I have two families. One that cares about me and the other that couldn't care if anything happened to me. Ah, yes, what a good life. I bet you're totally jealous.

I grinned and shook my head a little. "Yeah, I'm a weirdy," I murmured to myself as I walked.

After about a half an hour, I made it back to my house. I made really good time today. Usually it takes me about forty to forty-five minutes. Yeah! I'm good, but I'm all sweaty now too...

I walked into my room, set my bag down, and grabbed my outfit for the party. Might as well get ready now since it'll take me a while to do my hair.

I walked out of my room, then paused. It was really quiet... I walked into the living room to find it empty.

It's empty... Mom and dad aren't home. Again, I thought, frowning slightly.

It's not like I really wanted them here, it was just that they were usually home right now, drunk and high off of their asses. Oh well, they'll come stumbling in sooner or later. I shrugged and walked back to the bathroom and got in the shower.

I took my time as I washed my hair, then my body, relaxing as the water hit my body. I smiled as the water hit my back, then murmured softly, "Just what I needed."

I got out of the shower and began drying my self off about fifteen minutes later. After I was all dry, I pulled my clothes on, then started on my hair.

I blow dried my hair, then started straightening the front and then the back. I smiled a little when I realized what my hair kind of looked like. I did the Justin Bieber hair flippy thing and laughed as I fixed my hair. Honestly, what do people see in that guy?

I shook my head a little and walked out of the bathroom to my room. I grabbed my cellphone, and house key, then walked back to the bathroom to put on some eyeliner.

As soon as I finished, I grabbed my jacket, locked the door and left to meet Rachel at her cousin's house.

It took me almost an hour to get to the party. I hadn't thought that it was that far... Oh, well, at least I know I won't get fat. I took my jacket off and hung it by the door, then wandered off around the house in search of Rachel and Danielle.

I found them in the kitchen a few minutes later, eating a snack.

"Naughty, naughty," I said, shaking my head at Rachel as I walked up to her, pretending to be ashamed of what she was doing.

"Oh, hey Danny," she greeted me, then asked, " So my directions were good, yes?"

"Yeah, it's just a really long walk over here. And you wouldn't believe how many creepy perverts there are..." I shuddered and shook my head. One older guy had thought I look really cute, so he decided that he would try to do things, unmentionable things to me. But, lucky me, I fought back! Oh yeah, Danny: one, Old guy: zero.

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